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"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Finished my first 24 hr fast with normal meal last night, was fairly hungry the last few hrs before dinner.
Today I'm doing time restricted eating, brought my breakfast to work and ate around 0930, will eat my 2nd and last meal of the day somewhere between 1500-1700 today at work.
Nortac, congrats on getting started and sticking to it. I won't re-hash my own journey here but if you want to see what I did, search out 'Todd's 60-54 weight loss plan' or something similar. I have been on a two year journey and have went from 260lbs to a stable 200 give or take a pound or two each way. Have maintained this weight since July, 2017. Took one year exactly from 15 July, 2016 to lose it.

Sorry, realised I was way too long on this post and just edited it down. Best of luck and just STICK to it.
And nortac, please do NOT take anything I said above as advise. It worked for me but may be all wrong for you. I also intend to investigate the fasting process as well. Thanks for bringing it up.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
@Phog Allen , I saw your thread. I find the intermittent fasting really easy, particularly if you keep yourself busy. With IF and keto, I'm down another 3 lbs for a total of 11 so far. I'm sure it's mostly water, but it seems to be working for me. Probably not in ketosis yet, it maybe just the reduction in calories from missed meals and no refined carbs.
So I just finished reading the Obesity Code and I'm starting my first fast today. I weighed 208.2 lbs. after my "morning constitutional", so I'm down another 2 lbs., for a total of 8, just by watching what I eat. I last ate at about 6 PM last night and will shoot for about that same time frame tonight. I'm having some black coffee with a pad of butter in it this AM. I need to order some MTC oil and pick up some cream at the store. Not sure what I will do mid-day yet. I will try to stick with coffee, tea and water till dinner, but I may have to cheat a bit and have some V-8 juice if I can't hang (I know, V-8 is not ideal, but it's what I have on hand). On my non-fasting days, I will do time restricted eating , which will be a major change for me as I work long shifts and get home late. I'm not sure if I'll try fasting while working vs fasting on non work days. It may be easiest to fast at work and schedule my one meal at lunch when working.

Keep us posted on your progress!!

IMO, there is no universal answer, the point is to figure out what works for you!


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Well I fell off the wagon a bit, lost 12 lbs, gained some back, going after it again. It's a work in progress.
Glad is stumbled upon this thread. About 2 months ago (maybe a bit longer) I made a commitment to get back into shape (turning 49 on Friday, 3 young boys) and to shed 30-45 of extra baggage. After messing with the elliptical and using the weight machines , neither or which was really doing it for me, I found a few body weight strength training programs and stayed with one. Unfortunately 3 weeks into the program, the website went black (it has since come back) and then I found a 9 week body strength program, which is hard but I’m committed to finishing. I just completed week 4. Here it is 9 Week Bodyweight Workout For Strength & Muscle Gains

Seems like I need a bit more cardio on my off days (this program is a fully body program 3x weekly) and find a new lifestyle in terms of how I eat. How do you find an eating program that isn’t a diet, and one more that turns into a lifestyle? That is hard.
How do you find an eating program that isn’t a diet, and one more that turns into a lifestyle? That is hard.

I am on a keto LIFESTYLE. it honestly is not a diet but a shift in what you eat.
the proper keto is low carbs (think no grains and barely any fruit) and healthy fats (eggs, avocado, olive oil, fatty meats etc). it only feels like a DIET when my coworkers or the kids are chowing on PIZZA, but there are some alternatives, including sliding all the toppings off the dough and eating that (oh the horror!). I went on a week long cruise and managed to stay in keto. that says a lot as compared to other diets.
Since you can eat veggies, meat and fats (butter, sauces etc), you only need to watch for hidden carbs (sauces, breading on food etc)
I convinced my neighbor to do keto, and he is down 20lbs in a couple of months. He is 65.
look up Dr. Berg on youtube as he has a lot of information

This is the key. Discipline.

Having tried keto as well as other methods, I can say there IS a difference. When doing keto, the overarching theme is "fanatical avoidance of carbs" ... but you eat enough (of the "right" foods) that you are not "hungry hungry" all the time or almost ever. On the other hand, most other diet methods focus "fanatical avoidance of eating enough" and there's a lot more time spent "being hungry". So, IMHO, different types of deprivation and different sensations that need to be dealt with by the discipline one needs to have. (And yes, there's some of "the other" in each ... keto dieters need to eat sensible amounts rather than over-eating; "other" dieters need to seek out "good" foods and avoid "junk" ... but IMHO these are secondary emphases.)
Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs take "being hungry" out of the equation
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