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My Precious! One more and I'm done. I'm out. I'm finished. [PIC]

** Update ** Got some pics of it from the seller. Looks just awesome!

Well.... after a LOT of searching and clawing I managed to finally get the second last of my RAD fixations. It actually held the number one spot, but now that it's gone, all that remains is a toggle.

Today I closed on a BEAUTIFUL Darwin Deluxe, UNUSED in it's nice coffin case. Did I pay for it? Damn right I did, but for the condition and looks of it I think I did just fine.

I narrowly missed out on one that Barefoot Joe scooped last week as a graduation present to his son. After reading his story, I'm actually glad he got that one as it's just a fantastic father-son moment in the making. I'm sure it will be a great moment for them both.

As for me, I can't wait for it to arrive. I will post more pics when it does, but for now it's travelling safely insured and tracked from it's home in northern England.

Until then, here's what I got:


Now all that remains is a toggle and I am done. Seriously. I mean it this time. :thumbup:

My precious. I wants' it I did, and now it's mine!

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Thanks Attilla,

I'd like to think maybe some good karma from my PIF to you helped me finally get one. Congrats to us both in that case!
Would not doubt that in the least! I still marvel at both of those items time to time in my den and use them on occaison too.
Yes!!! I've very happy for you! Please report back and tell us what you think of the shave. Second to none, IMHO. Congrats again!
That is the way to find them.

Put away for decades and brought out just in time for you to find.

Great score!!!!
Aaargh! Why couldn't I just leave well enough alone, and go home, instead of checking B&B one more time before leaving work? Now, I'll be obsessed with this. Outstanding find! Enjoy it my friend!
That looks beautiful! Congratulations on a great find. I wish I knew more about it and will have to go out of my way to do so. Just a great looking piece.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
Congratulations! It's a real beauty. :thumbup1:

Just wait 'til your hold it in your hand. It will be even more beautiful in person.
i saw that razor and considered breaking my gentlemanly restraint for it. Turns out the better angels of my nature finished up their night of drinking and carousing just in time to prod my conscience. I hate those little b**ds.

congrats on the score though. Glad it went to someone it has real meaning for.
Good God man; does this mean we are on a journey to Mt. Doom? :lol::lol::
Whatever shall we talk about now? Jk! Good one bud, glad you got it!
Now get back to your lathe!:thumbup:
WOW!! Mayby after you pick up that toggle we can have an ACE Razor Museum Picture Extravaganza!! Very nice razor congrats
WOW!! Mayby after you pick up that toggle we can have an ACE Razor Museum Picture Extravaganza!! Very nice razor congrats

I have been thinking a full photoshoot is about due. It's not a giant collection, but it's got some nice pieces and I'm proud of it. The first thing I've every really passionately collected in my life.

Stay tuned!

...and remember Triad. I show you mine. You show me yours!
Congrats! I talked to the seller about this one several times, but could never get him to figure out how to change his buyer requirements to allow me to bid.

Glad someone here got it, though. You got a good deal too.
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