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My new custom stainless handles

I just want to show off the 2 new custom handles my stepdad made for my christmas present. Here they are on my LC New and my Tech. The specs on them are Length: 3.75" Diameter: 7/16" Weight: 78 grams

Here they are next to the original handles for a little size comparison.


Here they are with the gold plated brass handle he made for my Old Type previously.


Those look really nice. What a great present to receive. My personal taste for handles is a length between 3 3/4" and 4", so those are great lengths. I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of them. They sure do improve the shave. And made as a gift. Something to treasure.
The workmanship shows that your stepfather is an excellent machinist. Congrats on the fine handles.
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