Early on in my DE shaving career(about 2 years ago) I declared Feather my blade of choice. I was a bit naive and full of myself, and I thought this is what serious shavers used. After all, they are considered the sharpest. So I used them and used them, and constantly had a raw burning neck to show for it. It was at this point that Red Personnas stepped in, and it made a world of difference for a beginner. These were followed by many blades, the Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellows becoming my favorites. But yesterday I was just dying to try a Feather again after all this time. So with my Merkur HD and Taylor's Avocado cream I went for it. And I got the closest, smoothest, most irritation free shave I think I've ever gotten. Call it luck. Call it better technique. Or maybe a bit of both. But I may just come full circle to Feathers again. A great shave is a thing of beauty. Sadly too many men can't appreciate that.