Using my finger to guide the file (could of used some electrical tape on the scales but I didn't scratch it)
just through to the washer, you can just see the ring
setting the gap in the vise
old sock lol (clean tho)
Ivory is the most challenging to unpin. First ivory is very breakable and the scales are typically very thin. Worst, the pins usually do not have washers and they are usually very tough to push through the scales because the pins are peened very tightly in the holes. The best way to unpin ivory is to very carefully drill out the entire pin through the scales, if you just file away the top, you'll wind up cracking or breaking the scales trying to push the pin through. I would practice a lot more on less challenging scales if you are wanting to keep those ivory one intact.
I personally think it is good practice to remove all scales as if you are going to be reusing them, that practice will come in handy when you find a set you would like to reuse without breaking them. Just my 2 cents.
Got ya I must have missed that part. Good luck with the ivory scales. For some reason most of the scales I find are cracked or ate up so bad they can't be saved after removal.