I've been gathering straight razors for a few months now and have about two dozen. Some just need a little polishing, some need major grinding and all need honing. I watch the YouTube videos by Tony Corondao and bought a DVD from Bill Ellis and watched it. When my starter kit arrived I watched the DVD that came with that too. Then I put my two combo stones in to soak, yesterday, but it took me until today to give honing a try for the first time. After about a half hour, the blade was duller than when I started. I was pretty bummed until I remembered what Tony said about edges that have been rounded. Then I realized I had to remove a fair amount of metal to establish a bevel before I could really set about getting a shaving edge. I went all the way back to the 220 grit stone (I'd originally started with the 1000) and worked on up to the 8000. Finally the razor dry-shaved a little hair off my arm. I was a happy guy. I still have a fair amount of work to do, but I've finally gotten started. I used the cutter block to clean my stones and called it good. Tomorrow I'll go back and work on it some more. This is more fun than an erector set.