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My First Boar Brush a Journal of Sorts

Its Mission: to shave the world
To Boaringly go where no Boar has Boared Before
These are the voyages of my first boar brush

The Date, Anytime before ta week before the auction:
Boar brushes look awful, I just cant bring myself to buy one. Sure i have felt a quality one in my hand before and they had soft tip, but they look so dang boaring and unnatural. No sir, I dont like them at all.

the Date, about a week before the auction:
Rudy Vey sent some emails through of pictures for the auction, man these brushes look really amazing, even if they do have a boaring knot in them. You know what I think its high time I give one of these a shot, I cant wait till the auction begins Im going to get me at least one of these,.... Mark my words

The Date, The auction going ons:
Ive been trying at my two favourite boar brushes from Rudy, I have steep competition on one of these guys, but may be in the clear on the other,... the day is mine. Oh know, The Big bully Bigfoot bust my bid on this beautiful boar bristle brush in the red and black handle,... ive been foiled... oh look a pink brush,.. hey ill nab that

D'oh, I forgot about the first boar brush i was bidding on,.. man I could have gone deeper on that one, steal of the auction if you ask me, but off to a great deserving member with a big heart, so I guess its okay

The Date. Just after the auction:

Ninjas I tell you Ninjas,.... thank you sooooo much ninjas. I placed an order with wcs, I had to, Ive always loved the handle design on the essential and wasnt around for the badger version. In fact at last years auction I was in michigan at Connie Intrigued's house (She doesnt really have bagels), and I got to play with her big blue and fell in love. This one isnt blue its pink though, and its not a badger its boaring.... But it is for a good cause and all,... so okay.

The Date, Nov 06 2013 (Thats today):

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Not so bad I guess,... probably doesnt lather though, it is softer then it looks feels nice in the hand too,.... Mmmm trafalgar

So I guess there is no harm in some warm water.
Wow this thing gets really soft when wet,... but we still are not sure about it, bust out the dirty bird and get in for a closer inspection
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I guess everything looks legit, I mean nothing has blown up and there is no blue mohawks or nothing of the sort, seems on the up and up

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Alright bird, lets do this, I dont like you and you dont like me,... hey wait a minute I like you why dont you like m.... oh right,... forgot about that, dont think I ever did tell that story, needless to say the cat ran, and my foot hurt for a week havent seen the bird in a long time till tonight.

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Who'da thought, it lathers,... kind of nice too,... I mean the brush in comfy to hold builds a nice lather and feels kind of great on the hand,... to bad I shaved this morning before it got here as I kind of want to give it the full test... Been a while since I was excited about a shave,.... I mean this excited anyway... cant wait till my hair grows again... never thought I would be saying this,... but this brush rocks, and I like it so much I may have to have Rudy make me a red and black boar brush of my own that the big bully bigfoot cant bust me out of

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Well done little boar,... well done indeed we are not through with you yet at all, and I shall see you again soon.... oh and not just cause I drank three cups of tea writing this and will need to hit the bathroom soon

Turns out the world doesnt end for using a boaring brush,... whats next a TWSBI,... hahaha oh right !... see you in the nib
Wait until the tips split!
Be sure to give it adequate time for drying (about 48 hours between uses) to allow the tips to split.
Edgerunner Boris is the only guy who ever showed me a boar brush with split tips before, I was very impressed with how soft it was. but at that time i was still turned off by the looks of the bristles, so glad I got over that, the Essential is a nice brush for sure, a little bummed I waited so long and missed out on so many great colours to figure that out

At least I got the most Important one of them all
This is what the tips will look like in a few weeks!


  • $uploadfromtaptalk1383808381651.jpg
    43.8 KB · Views: 115
Very nice, I need to order a B&B essential already. I'd really like to try one after all the good threads and recommendations.


I got moves like Jagger
That is probably THE best boar knot I have used. Soft right out of the box and tips on mine were splitting right away. Given how you like your Kent, I figured that the handle would be a no-brainer.

ps. Didn't I let you play with mine the last time you were over? I claim enable credit (or at least, a partial one :tongue_sm)
So the other day I finally got to use the brush for an actual shave, I left it alone a few days taking the above advice to give it at least 48 hours to dry then put it to good use with the Trafalgar soap. Man Im glad I finally bought a good boar, Ive been told by some friends these Boar knots are the ones to have as they are among the best available of the boars those people had tried before. I let the brush soak in warm water while I showered and face lathered, I have zero complaints other then I didnt get on board with these brushes a while back when I could have garbed a blue or an orange one when I had the chance

The only thing I have noticed which may be an issue if it is your only brush, man they do take a while to dry fully, but since I have a few other brushes on hand, and I dont shave everyday its not really an issue. The hairs are beginning to split, but not fully enough then I can feel a difference in performance, but I was over at Rockvipers the other day and he told me it wont be long now before this gets even better for me. So happy to picked one up, if your thinking about it and havent you have the blessings of someone who thought he would never go Boar. I wouldnt wait till they are all gone, fantastic brush, fantastic price, and your helping a great cause

what more could you want out of a brush,... Seriously

Oh happy days lol
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Boars are great. I have about 12 very nice badgers that see almost no action. A SOC and 2010 semogue group with split the load in my house. Great pics btw.
Thanks David... I may actually have to try a semo.... k I just realized I can't cover my mouth and mumble the rest out but I mean the "S" in "SOC"
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