I was visited home over the weekend for Mother's Day and got to talking with my Dad about shaving. Today is his 78th birthday btw. I remember when I was a kid watching my him lather up with Williams in a mug and a brush and that was a strong memory when I looked first into DE shaving several months ago. Anyway, he pulled out his kit that he said he has used for over 25 years. It was a Gillette Trac razor with the black handle and chrome stripe and the funniest looking boar hair brush I have seen. The knot size must be about 10 mm and the hairs were straw yellow, stiff and straight. It said "Made in Austria" on it. It was pretty neat to talk with him about it for sure. When I told him I was using the DE style he said, "What was old is new again" with a laugh. He looked BBS with the Trac II by the way...
