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Musgo May is here!! .... enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Musgo May ... the month of May, devoted to the enjoyment of all things Musgo Real.

... golly, I wonder if they make an aftershave. :001_rolle
Does anybody know of a place to get a sample of Musgo aftershave? I'm on a pretty tight budget and before buying a bottle I'd like to sample it. If anybody knows of a place that I could get some, then please let me know.
I would have said Rorshuck's Badger Decants, but I don't know if he's still running his decant operation. You may want to try contacting LAFCONY as they distribute Musgo products, I think. Maybe try Barclay Crocker as well, I've heard they are good about samples.

If all else fails, you should buy some empty sample containers and offer a nominal fee to another member willing to make a sample for you. Maybe post this in the WTB section.

Anyway, Musgo smells strongly of vetiver mixed with patchouli with maybe a hint of citrus. The scent sticks around for awhile so it doesn't really go with most colognes. If that doesn't sound good to you, Musgo is not for you.

Does anybody know of a place to get a sample of Musgo aftershave? I'm on a pretty tight budget and before buying a bottle I'd like to sample it. If anybody knows of a place that I could get some, then please let me know.
Thanks for the lead! I'll have to check into those sources. I have a post up in the WTB section, but there hasn't been any response yet. Thus, I'm guessing I'll have to track down a sample elsewhere.
Mustache May I try to tell you, but no, nobody listens to the noble stache :euro:


The stache is a tough choice. Growing one cuts down on your shaving real estate, but then you don't have to worry so much about that little patch under your nose that's really tricky with a DE.

I have a chin goat that I've considered hacking off to gain more shave real estate.
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