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Most "tallow-like" non-tallow soap


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This isn't a "what's your favorite soap" thread. Rather, I'd like to know your opinions on which non-tallow soaps you feel best provide the illusion of being tallow based, ie: which soaps most convincingly duplicate the rich, creamy feel of a traditional tallow soap.

I find that GFT's latest non-tallow soaps are very close in performance to their old tallow laden versions. They still exude enough of that tallow aura that I occasionally have to check the label to make sure I didn't stumble across an older package.

Counter example:
QED provides a great shave, and produces some impressively thick and luxurious lather for a glycerin based soap, but I don't for a moment feel that I'm using a tallow product at all.

Which soaps strike you as most resembling a bucket 'o lard?
Pre de Provence for the faux tallow.

BTW, I'm not a really a tallow guy. I generally prefer the slick glycerine-eyness of Soap Opera of Madison.
So far, it has been Provence Sante for me. However, I would really like to try the Martin de Candre. I have heard nothing but good news from reviewers. I would also say the new Trumper Eucris shave soap is excellent. I cannot speak to their "regular" non tallow offering since I have not used them. I feel it is superior to their alleged tallow version that lists only soap base and shave soap base as ingredients. Eucris has cocoa butter in it and I think someone mentioned the others do not. Yes/no?

Regards, Todd
BTW, are you La Toja guys speaking of a hard shave soap or their cream? I assume soap but I have only used the cream. It was okay but nothing special.

Regards, Todd
This might come out of left field, but I really feel like Cade is similar to a few of my tallow soaps I have....:blush:

I may not have agreed with you prior to the Cade challenge, but using it daily for the past few weeks has increased my appreciation of it. Now that I know just how much soap and water to use, I'm getting consistently good shaves with it.
Saint Charles Shave soaps. Way closer to a tallow lather than any other non-tallow soap I've ever tried. Dense, rich lather every time.
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