Hi, I have been D.E. shaving for about a year now, never going to turn back either. I am 48 when my mom died years ago I kept her 1960s lady gillette champagne razor, it is in very good condition, and i only shave with it. But now i feel i would like to try a modern D.E. razor like a mekur 38c or muhle r89 grande. But it seems alot of people are saying these modern razors have quality issues, its either the mekur has plating problems or the muhle r89 grande does not have enough weight or a hollow feel in the handle, or both these razors are made out of cheap metal. Now I am just not sure what to do. moms lady gillette sure has tested time and keeps on winning. what about those new razors, the ones i mentioned? need some serious input on this .thanks