Found these others while trying to find out about these blades:
Found this description listed on worthpoint:
Authentic World War Two Naked Lady Models Razor Blades. 3 (Three different ones). These were made by the Model Blade Co., New York, NY in the late 1930's and were given away to Troops to boost their morale during World War Two. These blades are scare!! Thank you for looking! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you!
Can anyone confirm this? Seem more like 50's era depictions to me. Mods, if you think this in inappropriate, please do not hesitate to delete the thread.
They were advertised in Billboard, 9 July 1949, p123: - a bit late for WWII, and the ad makes them sound like a new product. I did not find anything earlier - or later. But it seems like these pop up frequently on ebay, so I suspect they were in business for at least a few years.
Yes they would! Actually there are many themes they could cash in on, and offer each one for a limited time. Folks would be collecting them like Beanie Babies!