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Misty Menthol Hop

heh, couldn't decide where to post this so I've kept it here. In line with September being my Omega soap month, I reached for the lil' black tub last night. Right next to it was the tube of Godrej Menthol. hmm..Superlather idea. Mixed them both and face lathered. Whoa! Frozen Face at once! Hit that afterwards with the Gatsby After Shave Water (Ok, I didn't give such a glowing review of it but I now use it in tandem with my Nivea Balm) Holeeee Crap! that extra menthol and camphor really numbed my face!....

I think I'm getting myself into another addiction :tongue_sm..Now if only I can get some one to trade some Ossage Rub for some Godrej Creams...Hmmmm
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