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Minimum time before you can shave again

I usually prefer a succinct thread title but could not come up with one. Anyone want to give it a shot?

Any how, whats the minimum time before you can shave again?

I find that I need at least 28 hours before I can shave again.

I could definitely shave after 16 hours or so but it'd have to be ATG only. WTG and XTG would do nothing.

That means I need to schedule my shaves.

Sometimes I want to be "just shaved" for an evening out and sometimes I want to be freshly shaved for a morning meeting at work.

If I want to be be freshly shaved for a 7pm social outing with friends. I need to have shaved at least 28 hours before it.

Whats the minimum hair spurt before you can have again?
16 hours minimum after a BBS. The 2nd shave would likely be only 2 passes (XTG and ATG).

I shave every day of the year.
If we are going out in the evening or something, I would shave before I leave the house. That would be 10 to 12 hours since my last shave. Light complexion and dark heavy whiskers is not a good combination for keeping a dapper appearance. I can get by with 2 passes and a little cleanup the second time though.
I can shave significant stubble after 36-48 hours.

My skin can handle a shave only after 72-96 hours.

I can shave after a day or two, but my skin won't like it.
While I may not need to for stubble reduction, my skin can actually tolerate 10-14 hours between shaves and not have any ill effects. There has been a couple times I've pulled off 3 shaves in about a 36 hour period.
I try to shave everday. With my schedule not being a set one I can get away with a shave every 24/28 hours. I've never tried to shave more than that for a fear that my face could not handle it.
I shave every other day, and give my face the entire weekend off. The day after a shave, I look like I need a shave, but in reality there's not enough stubble actually poking out to shave. It's a little annoying to me.
I shave every morning. If I have an event in the evening where I have to look good, I'll do a basic shave in the morning and touch up in the afternoon (Kyle's prep is very useful here, especially if I don't have time to shower).

Frankly, I love to shave, and would shave more often if I could. I sometimes find myself thinking, "Oh, man. Eighteen more hours until I get to shave again."
48 hours and my face will hate me for it. 3 days is minimum comfort but 4 days is best... I'm young and fair don't hate! I'll be a man one day...
I shave every morning. On days where I know I have more than casual evening plans I will do a 2 pass in the morning and 1 pass in the evening. This usually works out fine.
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