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Merkur Futur does not work for me

I wouldn't say I hate the Futur itself, it just doesn't work for me at all. I love the look and pop off cap, and despite ZAMAK it looks and functions the same as the day I bought it. People rant and rave so I figured it was just me. After shaving three layers of skin off this am, I decided it's not for me. I fall back to my chintzy Gillette fusion cartridge which, while they work, have become ridiculously expensive. I'd like to go to DE but without the razor burn so bad it takes 2 days to heal.

Thank you for the advice gentleman. I'm going to look at the Henson and rockwell 6c!
I don't have rhino skin, but I use a very light touch or just the weight of the Futur when I shave and I never lose any skin or get any irritation at all. I think it takes a shave technique very different from any cartridge type razor. My theory is that if you can develop your shave technique with a razor like the Futur or Muhle R41, and get no weepers or irritation, one could probably shave with any razor out there. Just a theory! I think it is a great razor to own and use, even daily is a possibility.
The thing about the Futur is that it is important for other people to know you use a Futur. Kind of like owning an iPhone. Or driving a Prius. I'm mean...I have a Futur. And not just any old Futur, but the bright chrome slippery chrome Futur. Because the gold plated one is just a shade too far into the realm of tacky. And the matte finish one is for ex members of Stasi.

Where the heck am I going with this? I don't even know. I like my Futur. It's so bright, I've got to wear shades. No...now I'm just getting further away from it.

It is one of my most blade-feely, aggressive, "dangerous" razors. I find that it shines when I've gone like four days without shaving. With a sharp blade, it just cruises right through the hair folicles.
Oh, I still have the shiney slippery chrome one. There is sits blade free cause it looks cool.

I much prefer my Rockwell 6S for actual shaving. It does not look as cool, but so much more enjoyable...
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