Hey all. I am now getting interested in brushes. I am absolutely happy with the brush that I have, a merkur/dovo silvertip brush that I got with my 38c set. Now that I am looking into the world of brushes I realized I don't know much about the one I own. I have fallen for face lathering and am beginning to test out soaps if that matters. I am wondering if anyone knows the knot size and loft size of this chrome dovo silvertip brush as I never found dimensions. Also, what other brand/quality would this brush compare to? It has good backbone to scrub but the tips are ultrasoft. There have been a few amazing brushes for sale on B/S/T lately but I don't want to waste money chasing something if it is comparative to what I have now. Im looking at roughly 22x48 brushes as I like the low loft for scrubbing idea but I don't even know what measurements I have now. The simpson chubby and shavemac 2-band seem appealing. All help appreciated. Thanks.
Here is a link to the brush. I didn't pay this price for it as I got it in a set.
Here is a link to the brush. I didn't pay this price for it as I got it in a set.