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WOW this is one generous PIF! Even split into like 4 parts. Also nice to see PIF that is not CONUS limited.

Respectfully not in...if it was just soaps then I would enter :)

I'm in, thanks! It's impossible to resist such an amazing PIF!

I will re-PIF some of these items in case I get lucky...


More Deep Thoughts than Jack Handy
As we close on Wednesday the 24th, I'll be compiling the list of folks who said they were in. I'll be posting that list on Tuesday at some point and will add any late comers to it before the random.org selection.

I've added another double edge three-piece razor to the pot, an inexpensive Chinese made razor, brand new, never been used. The fit and finish on it look good. It has a long handle. Will post a picture of it when I get a chance.
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