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Medium-Format Film Work From NY

I'm certainly not claiming this, but the link landed in my Inbox during the week and I was very, very impressed with this guy's photography. It is almost enough to make me want to visit NY again.....

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Love the look he's getting. Funny enough he's using the same camera, lens, film and developer (well, one of many B+W film and dev combos) and I'm surprised how metallic looking the buildings end up looking.
That orange filter he mentions does awesome high contrast on B&W.

He's also pushing two stops in the developer, so he's driving to pretty high contrast. That's going to push the highlights into the flat part of the curve, which would give he surface details - the part with the direct sunlight - a compressed look while the rest of the image is spread over the linear portion.

That's the source of the "metallic" look.
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