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Making a Knot Question

This is my first post in this section. I am not a restorer but I hope that I can have a question answered from you experienced people;

- When the "public" try to describe a brush they refer to the different measurements of the particular brush in the first place. They are then describing the density (amount of hair used).
Are there more factors to be considered?? I was in particular thinking about the knot size. When a manufacturer bind a brush for a particular model is he/she always using the SAME knot technique (binding the hairs together) or does the technique change with the different models?
I have several brushes of a manufacturer that sizeway are VERY close eachother but yet they are different. Is the amount of hairs used all that make a difference..?
I hope I make myself clear- I have problems putting words to it really.
From what I've seen, the knot manufacturers weigh out the hair to make a particular sized knot. So, by weight alone, you'll see variance in the different knots because each individual hair may be more or less dense than its counterpart. The manufacturers attempt to sort the hairs before this, so they are as similar as possible, but with this natural product, there will always be differences. With that in mind, a manufacturer may make a knot more dense by adding more hair to a specific knot size. For example (Yes, I am making these up for illustrative purposes):

Standard 22mm x 65mm Knot = 20 grams of hair
Extra Stuffed 22mm x 65mm Knot = 22 grams of hair
Super Duper Dense 22mm x 65mm Knot = 24 grams of hair

Hope this helps in some form or fashion.
Thanks Gene! As I tried to explain in my first post the factors of differate one model from another (let´s forget the different handles) are:
- The denisty of the brush (amount of hairs used).
- Measurements of the brush (of course)

No other factors? That "binding a certain knot for a specific model theory" is out of scoope then? When "doing the knot" with a string the craftsman always uses the same technique then?

Sorry for the poor English here- it´s not my first language and I realised that the "topic" is hard for me to explain.
It's my understanding that they try and use the same technique, but when doing it by hand, they can certainly come out different. Who is the manufacturer, if I may ask?
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