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Loving my Schick Dial - Quick question on settings

I had bought this quite a while ago because it was a good deal - But hadn't used it until this week.

My grandfather was a Schick man - Since they issued one out to him in the Navy back in WWII so I wanted to have an injector razor. Anyhow it was nearly NIB with the included Schick Platinum Blades in the silver injector container.

So at this point I have found after a week that I love this thing just on setting 1 with a 3 pass shave - Probably the best shaves I have had ever and better than the many DE's I have!

So I bought more! Would these be similar in aggressiveness to this on 1?

I am eyeing an M47 (L1?) and another I am not sure the model - Pictures included. If they are close I'll keep them just didn't want to miss them as the price was great.

Otherwise I'll start lurking and collecting the Dial adjustable version.


-- Warren
I have the Schick Injector adjustable Type M and I have the Schick Injector Type L-1.

The L-1 is a mild razor. I would guess the L-1 would be similar to the Type M adjustable on maybe a setting 3 or 4, at least on my face.
Find yourself an E, which is probably what your grandfather would have been issued. They are great shavers, but a bit more aggressive than the others.
Glad to hear that you're enjoying injectors. There's a lot to like. I would recommend getting a type E and/or G. The E is slightly more aggressive, and the G slightly less. The Type L is quite mild with regular Chick blades, but gives very good shaves. A Japanese twin blade makes a whole lot of difference--smooth and comfortable, but extremely efficient. You can try a type M, which is the adjustable, and works with both single and twin blades.
Let me climb on the E Type band wagon. These are wonderfully effective razors and the blades readily available in the states or on Amazon/eBay. And, the bonus is the blades last and last.

I prefer the E to the G also because I love the Catalin/Bakelite material and look. Bakelite was a wonderful plastic used in phones, radios, and electrical insulation. Amazing stuff indeed. The celluloid used in the G Type can outgas over time from what I have seen in auction offerings.


All injectors are incredible. They are easy to use, efficient yet smooth. I call them BBS machine.
I love B, E, G, M especially. Among them, If I have to choose one, it is M.
Not because I love M most but It is the most versatile of all. it is adjustable and can be loaded with twin blades.
Injector M loaded with twin blade is one of the best combinations you can imagine.

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Awesome really enjoying mine - Best wet shaves I have ever had since I started about 5 years ago and I've had just about everything! :)

Thanks all for the replies!
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