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lord super stainless

tried a Lord blade for the first time and i found it quite rough on the face,it caught me by suprise! any thought on Lord blades? regards
My experience is just the opposite of yours. I have tried the SS, SC, and Platinum blades and like them all.

Blades are a very personal thing, however.
Which variety of the SS did you use; the blue/white or the greens? I found the greens to be a bit smoother but the blue/whites sharper.

The blue/whites are one of my favorite blades; not the sharpest or the smoothest blade on the planet but great feedback and a very reliable blade. It is the blade I would use just before a job-interview or things like that as they never surprise me (in the wrong way) and always deliver. I love them!
For me, they settle down quite a lot on the second shave. Just one of those blades that the first few passes are pretty rough.
Strange, I find that they give me 2 fantastic shaves per edge, then they start to feel a little rougher. In any case, they are the most consistently gentle blade for my face that I have found.
For me, they settle down quite a lot on the second shave. Just one of those blades that the first few passes are pretty rough.

There are many blades that perform (for me) like that. I particularly like the Lord Platinum Class blades.
I like the Lord Super Chrome blades. To me they are similarly good to the Polsilver SI and the Gillette Black.

I like the stainless in my EJ but it's very rough in my R41. Regularly use it in my EJ though but prefer racer as my lord blade of choice
i will try some other LORDS as well as trying different razors as has been suggested.thanks as always!
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