Hey folks, just looking for some historical info on bengall razors. I recently inherited a vintage one from my father in law. Gives a great shave after polishing and honing. Anyone know the history of these razors?
TR Cadman and Sons were the Sheffield based maker of the famous Bengall line of razors. Most of their production was made to be sold to the Commonwealth countries, so because of this we are lucky to have quite a few in the wild here in Australia. You will also find examples in Canada, India...
Can someone please explain to me the history of the Bengall name? I have a Cadman Bengall from the 1920's which is simply my best shaving str8 and a beautiful thing. My friend Paul has 19th century Swedish Bengalls and I also see there's a proliferation of them in New Zealand as well as...
Hi, I'm new to this so i'll start by saying i live in Australia and collect all the Cadman familys razors, mainly BENGALL'S. If anybody has any good info please let me know, cheers.