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Looking for design opinions

I have been playing around with different handle designs and am looking for opinions/input on the handle shown below. The piece is still raw wood, so please comment on the design as opposed to the finish. This fits very well in my hand, although my hands are probably a little larger than most, but I'm still not sure about the aesthetics.

If there are any thoughts on alternate designs, please feel free to opine about those.

BTW, the wood is York Gum Burl.

Thanks for your help.
View attachment 59908

Bob Quinn
It's odd... I don't like the bulbous bit being at the handle end.... although ergonomically, it does make a certain amount of sense for balance point grip. How does it work weight-wise?
It's odd... I don't like the bulbous bit being at the handle end.... although ergonomically, it does make a certain amount of sense for balance point grip. How does it work weight-wise?

Well, odd is what I do. From a weight standpoint, it's a dead match with the weight of the factory standard 38C (4.1 oz), although I expect it may pick up another 1/10 oz. when the finish is applied.

Thanks, Bob
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