Does anyone know a way to re-ink or refill lettering where is shows up again. I have a couple of vintage brushes that are engraved and I would like to make the lettering pop like it did when the brushes were new...
Most recommendations have been to use something like testors (little tins of enamel paint at hobby shops) if you get a very fine brush or cheapish one that you cut back to a bristle or two (literally) you can paint by hand. Just pick up a drop with the top of the brush and gently guide it into the channel.
The bigger job is cleaning it well to ensure best paint adherence possible - I usually go slow and steady with something that has a sharp point or custom grind a piece of stainless welding rod.
I remember seeing someone's thread where he used paint to fill the lettering back in. I'll try to find it.
EDIT: Found it!
Just get you some enamel testores and paint it on and wipe off the excess. It's easy. Then use some Flitz or Maas to polish off he excess smeared paint.