Anyone get a gun for Christmas? Or accessory? Or ammo? I got a few $$$ to add to the ammo stockpile!
I got a hat just like my dad and brother, so in order to pose for pictures we went up into the attic and pulled down the 98k and civil war rifles to get the good pose. Found a 3-sided bayonet as well as some billy clubs. The pictures came out great...
I have plenty of ammo
I received 100 rds. of .40 S&W. I will put this to good use.
I got my son a new Columbia upland vest and some shot shells. He can't wait to get home and head out after some rabbits.
As an aside, are any of you still having trouble finding .45 ACP rounds? Around here, center fire pistol ammo is trickling back in except .45.
I was given my great grandfather's octagon-barrelled Winchester .32 Special, circa 1903. Also, a photo of my grandfather and great grandfather with the rifle after a successful deer hunt, circa 1944. Pretty cool.
OK..well I have plenty of ammo for the rest of the year
I got a case of goose shells from santa.
Got a 30 gun fire safe and enough cash to buy the Gun Vault pistol case that I've been wanting...