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Let's See Your Starting Lineup

With October baseball coming up soon, figured a baseball themed thread is in order. So let's see your starting lineup. All your brushes in your dugout. Here is what I currently have in my bullpen in no particular order of preference. From left to right: Semogue 620, Thater 49125/1, Rudy Vey Shavemac D01 2 band, Rudy Vey TGN Finest, Bob Farvour TGN Finest, Custom brush a friend made w/ TGN Finest


Got this one in transit - Semogue 2011 LE

And this one is out on loan trying to convert the masses - Bob Farvour customs w/ TGN Finest

I have a couple handles coming in with an ETA of Thursday, so I'll be back then with pictures. Though... I might have to come back to drool before then, there are a LOT of two bands here already :001_wub:
$2012-09-25 22.23.27.jpg

From Left to Right: SOC Boar, Bob Farvour (M7) TGN Finest, Bob Farvour (Eagle) TGN Finest, Shavemac D01 2-band Flat Top, Rooney Heritage 2XL, Rooney Extra Stuffed Size 1, M&F 1/2, M&F 1/1, Klenzo Handle with Shavemac D01 2-band fan (Rudy Vey).
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Good timing. Had them all out for cleaning the other day and hadn't put them away. The Rover, Thater and Rooney 3/1 are my favorites these days and see most of the use.

Photo #1: Simpson Rover; Thater 49125/0; Rooney 3/1; Rooney 1/1.
Photo #2: Semogue 1460; Duke 1; RV 16mm; Simpson Berkeley 46; Wee Scot.


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This was my lineup shortly after joining B&B. I've streamlined my collection quite a bit since then. Four of the brushes in the image below are no longer in my collection.


From left: Somerset Simpson's T2 two band, EJ BBB, Kent BLK4, Savile Row 3824, Rooney Finest 1/2, Simpson's PJ3 handle with Shavemac D01 knot, Wee Scot,

I'll take an updated picture soon.
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SBAD how do you rule my life... Let me count the ways (as in line changes to continue with the "line up" theme)...

1) The Kaubki line
$Kabuki Line.jpg

2) The Two Band line
$Two Band line.jpg

3) The Badger line
$Badger line.jpg

4) The Synthetic line
$Synthetic line.jpg

5) The Boar line
$Boar line.jpg

So there are all of my "line changes". Many of them have bead head, from being stored to close to one another and deblooming.
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I dont have a proper camera so my pictures is not so good. From Left to Right: Ronney 3/1, Semogue 610, Omega (Mighty Midget) 11047 and Omega (Bambino) 50068


I gotta clean off the soap build up on that Rooney :001_cool:

Oh and I have the Saville Row 3318 on my Christmas list so I am hopeful.
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^ The Vie-Long was sold yesterday


And the latest two additions - M&F L7 Heritage and a custom RV Shavemac:



Looking at the pictures, I see too many Simpsons. So, should I sell some of them or buy more of the others?!? :scared:
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