Does anyone know about the Kurve pens? I found one I really like the looks of here.
no trouble Deano, when it comes to buying pens, we are always here to help lol
One thing about the two Jinhaos i owned, well two things i guess.... both of mine worked well, they werent the smoothest nibs, but they never let me down at work
and the other thing was, they are not turned acrylic, they were plastic with a vinyl wrap to give them their colour
that didnt bother me at all since i got two of them for around 12 bucks shipped in two different auctions and they were for work, and me learning some lessons the hard way lol
Not those ones... they are okay, its the slide ones in the heros I had blow up on me
You don't need badges when you have a pocket stain.Woah... just noticed the new title line !!
Just when you thought we didn't need no stinking badges!
I'm almost certain it's made by Jinhao. Look up Jinhao X450 on ebay and see if you find the same pen. If you do, you'll be able to get one sent from China for about $7 and free shipping. Jinhao makes a decent inexpensive fountain pen.
You can also replace the Jinhao nib with a Knox nib, which is supposed to be a noticeable upgrade.
I bought a green Jinhao X450 on ebay. They do make pretty pens.