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Klar Soap Size Question

On the Klar Seifen German website their soaps (Classic, Sport and Sandalwood) are listed in two different prices but with no annotation has to the two weights/sizes. There is a caption which indicates the price per 100g, but that is the same for each different can. Royal Shave also does not indicate a weight on their site, though they only list each soap once. Unfortunately the paper label on the bottom of my can of Sport came off from getting soaked with water. Therefore I have no idea how much soap even my own can has in it. Anyone know what the weights/sizes are?
Dumb me! Missed the "contact us" on the bottom of Klar's web screen! Just emailed them to ask. Will post when I receive an answer.
Right! I see that on this post from the forum. Still wondering what the other size is!

Hi John,

Is it possible that the "other" price for each Klar Siefen soap is for "w/o tin"?
I know Phil and RoyalShave have both occasionally offered Klar refills for about $10 less than the tin options.
Might be with and without tin, but the photos of each show a tin while neither says anything about a tin. One is 24.99 euros and the other is 20.99 euros. Site is here http://www.klarseifen.de/shop/en/PRODUCTS/SHAVE/ if anyone cares to peruse it. Think I do remember Bullgoose talking about it, and saying that the tin only added a dollar (which is a lot less than four euros). I really don't know. Only reason I got interested is if the opportunity arises for someone to go shopping in Germany for me.
I really do think the more expensive one is with the tin. Must be. Ingredients are the same.
Plus it would be a realistic prize for a tin. Tin is of good quality (not too thin or flimsy).
Do the math there. Exactly 19% difference. (Germany VAT is 19%) Maybe it's a tin, but my guess is one is VAT added and one is for VAT exempt orders. Probably people in the EU who order the cheaper one either get stopped at checkout, have the price changed in basket, or get an email after order explaining that VAT will be added and asking for approval to change the charge.

Just my theory, anyway.

edit: Their about us page says everything on site has VAT added, so maybe the difference is for the tin.

I saw the same thing when the review was posted the other day. I asked but had no response.
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Got an answer from Klar, sort of. I said that there were two different listings for Klar Sport on the website with different prices, and asked what the two different sizes were. Answer was Klar soap is 24,99. So I still have no idea what the two different ones are. Not going to pursue it.
You can always ask a US vendor. But the standard prize is 25 Euro for a tin.
You are not going to find it for much under, prices are very consistent and I haven't found a big discount on it yet.
You can always order the cheapest one and see what shows up.
I would really be surprised if it is anything other then one being with tin and one being without. But who knows maybe a mis-prizing.
And you can't get it for 20 Euro with tin. Even though that is already pretty steep.
If you look at the cheaper item and switch the language to German - the description states that it is soap without the tin.
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