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: Kitty Litter Brush Accident

Oh, it's true. The brush all lathered fell into the kitty litter. Did it get anything on it? Probably not. But I'm still freaked. I cleaned it with shampoo, then put some dish detergent, some alcohol, and some hot water and it's sitting for awhile...will I get toxoplasmosis or something? :thumbdown
I'm sort of wondering why your brush and the cat litter box are in such close proximity in the first place. :confused1
Oh, it's true. The brush all lathered fell into the kitty litter. Did it get anything on it? Probably not. But I'm still freaked. I cleaned it with shampoo, then put some dish detergent, some alcohol, and some hot water and it's sitting for awhile...will I get toxoplasmosis or something? :thumbdown

Jerry wouldn't use it, that's for sure.
Don't feel bad, My 18 month old took my Merkur and vulfix for a dunk in the toilet.

How'd that turn out? And, although it isn't really anyone's business, I do have an issue with germs, more so than most, so an issue is ten fold worse than what many may feel it is to them. So, I legitimately am curious to know if this brush will be clean after all of this. The toxoplasmosis part was a joke!
I soaked both in Oxy Clean for an hour. And I realize it happens. I already spent money on them, I wasn't going to just toss them. I have issues with germs as well but the toilet was clean I clean it daily. The toilet hadn't been used other than for pee. And pee is sterile as far as I know. So cleaning it put me at ease. I have used it for the last 3 days it happen 4 days ago. Judge me I won't mind.
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I don't have a cat, so need something clarified.

is the kitty litter box, normally in the bathroom or were you walking around the house lathering?

I always thought they were in basements or somewhere with little traffic, with the exposed turds and all. $stepping-in-poop.gif
I soaked both in Oxy Clean for an hour. And I realize it happens. I already spent money on them, I wasn't going to just toss them. I have issues with germs as well but the toilet was clean I clean it daily. The toilet hadn't been used other than for pee. And pee is sterile as far as I know. So cleaning it put me at ease. I have used it for the last 3 days it happen 4 days ago. Judge me I won't mind.

I won't judge a veteran, that'd be dumb :thumbsup: Thank you for your service by the way and the good words. I know theoretically the germs are gone, but I guess it's the thought. I love the brush though so I need to truck on!
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Ok, here's the solution.

Clipper the cat, send the fur to Rudy or Tony or Mark to make a knot, leave the original brush in the litter.

Fair trade methinks...


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I would wash the brush and refrain from putting it into my mouth for at least a week. Do a more severe lip roll when lathering.
Send me the brush, Zack...I'll keep good care of it for you...I'll send it back when I'm done usin...er cleaning it.
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