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Keeping a razor clean

So, since moving over to a double edge razor, I have noticed that white stuff (I assume old shaving cream) building up on my razor over time. Can you prevent this build up? Is it a matter of just rinsing the razor off real good after each use? I do rinse it, maybe just not good enough. Any pointers or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I think that's a function of how hard your water is (at least in part) - that gives rise to the soap scum that gets deposited in your razor.

I'd just use a soft toothbrush and some scrubbing bubbles to scrub the razor when you change your blade.

Other options are to use soft water or bottled water, but that's extreme.
When you change the blade, just give it a spritz with the canned bathroom cleaning product Scrubbing Bubbles. No more white stuff!:thumbup1:

Alternately, you can use some soap and a toothbrush with the same results.
That sounds like soap scum. You can ignore it, but it does not dissolve in water so it tends to build up. You can wipe it off with a soft cloth or a soft toothbrush. Or your favorite bathroom cleaner probably breaks up soap scum, but check to see if it is safe to use on metal and be cautious about any plastic parts. One popular option is scrubbing bubbles.
I just rinse and towel dry after each shave and then use a toothbrush about every couple of weeks. It seems to do the trick
I remove the blade after shaving and wipe my razor dry with a towel. I find that the soap scum you are seeing shows up for me about once or wtice a year and then I use a soft toothbrush and dish soap to remove it in a few seconds
I clean the razor thoroughly only when I'm throwing away the blade. If I'm still using the blade, then I take the time to loosen the head and give a good rinsing under hot, running water.
I clean the razor thoroughly only when I'm throwing away the blade. If I'm still using the blade, then I take the time to loosen the head and give a good rinsing under hot, running water.

This works the best for me also. Whenever I need to clean the razor I just use a dab of toothpaste and scrub it down with an old toothbrush. This cleans the razor out and puts a nice shine on it.
After every shave I remove the blade and give the razor a light once over with a soft toothbrush, dry it, and replace the blade.
Whenever I need to clean the razor I just use a dab of toothpaste and scrub it down with an old toothbrush. This cleans the razor out and puts a nice shine on it.

Keep in mind that toothpaste contains very mild abrasives.
i was wondering also about the abrasiveness of the toothpaste. i've never used the scrubbing bubbles but maybe it's about time to clean the bathroom with it as well.
+1 to the Toothbrush and soap recommendation. I do this after each shave....nice to have a clean razor each morning.
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