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Just bought my first sample pack

12 months in (6 seriously) and I just bought my first sample pack, 1 Feather, 2 Shark, 2 Astra Superior Platinum and 2 Derby blades.

I plan to have the Derby blades executed upon arrival. :gun_bandana:

What I wanted was the Feather and the Astra. Have to admit I know darn little about Shark blades. I've heard good and bad here. People seem to love them or hate them but not much in between. What can I expect from the three worth testing?
I didn't do terribly well with the Shark first time around. However, it wasn't bad enough for me to completely swear them off. I'm going to revisit them at a later time to see how much was technique and how much was blade. The Astras, well, I got a hundred of them. They're solid performers. I don't know about the Feathers. I have a pack sitting here, but haven't used them yet. I'll admit to being a bit apprehensive, given their reputation.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Shark seems to be a hit and miss for folks like you said. A big miss from me.

Astra SP are pretty much guaranteed great. If I've read anything bad about them I sure don't remember it. I started with 50 Astra SP, used em up and they were all great.

Feathers. *sigh* Feathers. it seems lately that folks either absolutely despise Feathers or are in love with them head over heels. I love them, could use them as my only blade.
Sharks are indeed hit or miss, some of that might be quality control issues. I've used a Shark Super Chrome before, and I thought it felt remarkably like a 7 O'Clock Black

Astras are good blades, IMHO. They work well for just about anybody. Derby's were the second DE blade I ever used, and I thought they were better than Merkurs! In fact, I'm thinking about revisiting them soon and seeing what sort of results I get.
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