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It's only Rock 'n' Roll!

Oh man, that's great! I used to be obsessed with AC/DC as a teenager, thought they were the coolest thing ever (I pretty much still do haha). Lots of great little stories with them.

One of my favorites was when Malcolm was teaching little brother Angus how to play guitar. When he couldn't get the sound he wanted, Malcolm said "Stop tickling it and hit the bugger!"

Another was when -- in reference to how critics say AC/DC's songs are all the same three-chord, verse/chorus/verse/chorus/solo/chorus thing over and over -- an interviewer asked Angus if he gets offended when people say AC/DC has essentially recorded the same album 9 times. Angus replied, "That's bullocks! We've recorded the same album 12 times!"

Back in Black was the first album I purchased - To this day it is probably my favorite of all time...Not a bad song on the entire album. AC/DC made me love Rock and Roll
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