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It passed the hanging hair test

For the first time today, I've honed a razor that passed the hanging hair test. It's a vintage Wostenholm Pipe razor with a slightly curved blade. I did a progression of 400, 1000, 5000, 12000, blasa strop, canvas and leather. I'm looking forward to shaving with it tomorrow morning and seeing how it goes.
I'm jealous. I've been shaving with a straight for 30 years and I know my razors are sharp but I never got the HHT to work. Maybe it's my hair.
i use the same haior that i cut from a client i have medium hair in a tube and fine blond hair in another tube i use these as a test of the hone and after stropping with fine hair. if i pass these test i always get a good shave . does'nt always mean i'm going to get a super smooth shave in most cases i do . i just received two razors from livi luca and they both pass hht with fine hair and they shave alsoi very good . you do need to no how to read the way the hair pops this takes a lot of practice . its my main test apart from tpt. i only take the hht after stropping as my main indicator and of the last stage of honing/polishing
It seems that every razor I hone get a little bit better than the last. I've got an 8000 grit stone still in the post so hopefully that'll improve things even more. I'm really thrilled about having the ability to buy a vintage Solingen or Sheffield razor for a bargain price, hone it up to a good standard and add it to my rotation and get it back in use again.
It seems that every razor I hone get a little bit better than the last. I've got an 8000 grit stone still in the post so hopefully that'll improve things even more. I'm really thrilled about having the ability to buy a vintage Solingen or Sheffield razor for a bargain price, hone it up to a good standard and add it to my rotation and get it back in use again.

Some vintage blade's will make you wonder what the previous owner used to sharpen them.

While it can be quite fun, it can also be addictive.

Have fun honing!
It seems that every razor I hone get a little bit better than the last. I've got an 8000 grit stone still in the post so hopefully that'll improve things even more. I'm really thrilled about having the ability to buy a vintage Solingen or Sheffield razor for a bargain price, hone it up to a good standard and add it to my rotation and get it back in use again.

I'm still working on my first. It's a Wade and Butcher 9/16 wedge with uneven hone wear on the spine. It's been a great learning experiance. Thanks for sharing you progress
Congrats on your success! I can't wait to start honing my own razors. For now I just have a couple of balsa sticks and chromium/ ferrous oxide. I'm trying to decide on a Norton 4/8k or a Belgian coti. Once I get the funds I'm looking forward to getting similar results- I hope!
I shaved with the Wostenholm Pipe razor this morning and it was :thumbup1:
It's an excellent shaving razor although I think it's more about the razor than my honing. A very satisfying feeling having a DFS with a razor you honed up yourself.
I shaved with the Wostenholm Pipe razor this morning and it was :thumbup1:
It's an excellent shaving razor although I think it's more about the razor than my honing. A very satisfying feeling having a DFS with a razor you honed up yourself.

Don't sell yourself short. Honing is a learned skill and I am sure you spent time refining that skill.
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