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Is this a flare-tip?

This looks like a flare tip superspeed to me (by comparing to photos in the ShaveWiki database).

I will search threads but for now if you have any comments:
1. How are the SS's as shavers?
2. I am interested because this is a Z3 (1954) - my birth razor. Price $15 on the bay. Seems reasonable to me, any thoughts?

My only Super Speed is a Red Tip. The Silver Tip was considered a "medium weight" Super Speed, as opposed to the light weight Blue Tip, and the "comparatively" heavy Red Tip. Your photo is of the one in the middle. My Red Tip is a very good razor, and I shaved with it today.

Added in edit: I now have THREE Super Speeds. One came the day I wrote this, one came yesterday. The one from a couple of days ago was at hand today, 6-1-2012, is all cleaned up, and following SE shaves on the 30th and 31st, I've just finished shaving with a Black Tip just now. It is at least 60 years old, has a slender, slightly lighter weight handle (than the 1940s Super Speed that came yesterday), and is able to shave more closely than the Red Tip did.

(Of course, I need to test the Red Tip with an Astra SP blade, Cella Soap, the same washup routine, etc. before I can be sure it was the razor's own achievement.)
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Yes, it is a Gillette Super Speed ("Flare Tip"). I shaved with a Z-3 this morning!
1. I am a 100% vintage Gillette guy and have 3 Super Speeds. I love them. Yes, they are great shavers,. Many here would agree that Gillette was/is the standard by which any safety razor is measured.
2. As you know, you can pay from $5 to $30 easy for most decent razors. Ebay prices seem to be running high these days. BUT... I am still searching for my birth year/quarter ('57 C-3) and I would probably go a little high to get one. At $15, that seems reasonable.
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Thanks guys great response. I just increased my max bid-- It is not only my birth year, but birth quarter!

By the way, anyone know of a RAD vaccine? I'm thinking I need THAT more than 1,000 more razors. (I only have 4 but I can see a problem developing rapidly!)

The only known cure for RAD is more razors.
or possibly a substitution for a different AD.
Try not to get more than 3 concurrent ADs. :wink:
By the way, anyone know of a RAD vaccine? I'm thinking I need THAT more than 1,000 more razors. (I only have 4 but I can see a problem developing rapidly!)

Too late now that you have already been exposed, about the only thing you can do now is push back retirement a couple years.....:001_smile
Great razors!
Flare or Red tips, Black handle or so called late 40's style, they are all great.
This one looks very clean and can't see any brassing. But they usually all clean fairly well.

Did you win?
Hadn't written back until I got a chance to shave with it.
I had a shave today over 2 days growth that is as good as I have ever had. Face feels great- Little feedback from the alum, No sting from the AB/AS (Tabac).
LOVE the SuperSpeed! (Got it for $20 with shipping too!)
I absolutely LOVE my Flaretip, it's BRILLIANT. it's a mild shaver in a very good way. the way it's built, the blade has very little gap and forces you to use a shallow angle, so it's hard to accidentally let your attention slip and give yourself any bad news with a steep angle; if you are holding this razor at a steep angle the blade won't contact your skin. it's also built very well and it's light-weight in comparison to other razors that i've used, which i really like, because i feel that it allows me to have a much gentler grip and therefore control the pressure that i apply more effectively, without dropping the razor.
I picked up a 1956 Super Speed with a B1 date code. I have cleaned it up, but yet to shave with it. I got it for $5 along with a 1961 G2 Fatboy razor for the same price. I am thinking of having these razors sent off for replating probably will just have both done in nickle.
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