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Interesting discovery in a Schick dispenser

So my last two Schick Super Chromium blades were stuck together and somehow stuck inside the dispenser... so I took the metal portion off to get at the blades inside...
When I flipped the metal cover over, it had Plus Platinum printed on the inside, as if perhaps they printed both sides and stamped whichever side up for the blades they packed that day. Or maybe the Plus Platinums were discontinued and they used the other side to make Super Chromium dispensers... who knows?
The top

The inside

Makes me curious.
I have seen this on a couple of packs of blades as well. They more than likely had printed one side, set the printed blanks aside for future use, then reused them because they needed them for a run of the super chromes. That is the older PP/SS packaging, so they had not discontinued either blade at the point that was printed.

How do you like the Super Chromes? I don't mind them, but find I get a better shave from the Plats.
How do you like the Super Chromes? I don't mind them, but find I get a better shave from the Plats.

The Super Chromes are awesome - they last 8-9 shaves which is twice what I get from a modern blade. I have a 5 pack of Plus Platinums, but I haven't used them yet. (but like you say, my Plus Platinum package is different, it's blue)
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