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Ingrown hairs under bottom lip

Has anyone else had this problem or know why it may have happened to me? When I used a cartridge razor I did not get ingrown hairs in this area. A couple of days ago I did a full facial shave for the first time since I have been using a DE. This is the only place where I got ingrown hairs. I did a WTG and an XTG pass, no ATG. A good many of the hairs under my lip (where I would describe the chin and lip to meet, the "most indented point") and centered in about a 1/2 to 1" area. Any thoughts? Thanks!



My elbows leak
Staff member
A couple of things to check;
First, are you over stretching the skin there in order to compensate for closeness because you're not doing an ATG? Over stretching can cause ingrowns.
Second, check the growth pattern of your hair. Can't tell you how many guys think they know and wind up surprised that the hair is actually growing in different directions than they thought.
I may have been over stretching. I am pretty sure the I didn't run an ATG pass, the hair grows away from the lip/almost straight out. Thanks for the input, I will have to make sure I pay more attention to stretching next time.
it's a tip I read in GQ years ago - wash your trouble spot before and after shaving with antibacterial soap - worked for me
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