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I'm not condoning it!! Drinking and shaving.

We're all adults here, I think, and I'm sure I'm not the only one to deal with this delicate subject. You responsibly enjoy several (insert alcohol of choice) and then later need to, or want to shave. Do you? Were does the community stand on this? Should the only alcohol involved in shaving be in your AS or do you let fly even with a few in the tank?

I'm not trying to flame anyone with this post or come off as a drunken ***, I'm just wondering.
Someone had a couple-o-cocktails, and realized he is all scruffy. :lol:

I do, but not so much with a straight since I started using them exclusively.
For me: Shave = morning. Adult beverages = evening. If the two meet up, something's seriously wrong. :smile:

I should have addressed that in the original post. ( Of course, I would hope I wouldn't have to but to each his own! ) But I'm at work at 4:30 A.M. so I'm an evening shaver.
I'm not trying to flame anyone with this post or come off as a drunken ***, I'm just wondering.

I used to come off as a drunken *** when I would fall on my *** from being drunk. I've learned to moderate a bit better since then. Anyway, per your question, I think it's a matter of judgment. Sometimes when I'm getting ready to go out in the evening, I'll pour a glass of Scotch or wine to keep on the counter while I shave, and it doesn't adversely affect my results. If I'm really feeling no pain, though, I stay away from shaving, lest "no pain" turn into "pain" in a hurry. Most days I shave in the morning, and alcohol doesn't enter into the equation.
Well...I shave at night and, if I'm gonna drink, drink at night. However, I make sure to get the shave out of the way first.
Even with the mildest razor I wouldn't like to trust myself after a few libations. I guess I might want to tidy things up a bit if I was on a lads weekend trip, had not bothered to shave in the morning, had a liquid lunch and then crashed out late afternoon and was going out somewhere that evening. But that's it!
I'm an evening shaver and a couple glasses of wine before bed don't really stop me from shaving. I haven't been "tore up from the floor up" in a very long time though.
I have been shaving with a straight (exclusively) for about a year and a half now. I can get away without shaving for a couple days every once in awhile so if I have a big evening to prepare for I will shave after a couple libations while I am getting ready to go out. This came about because I really enjoy a cold beer in a hot shower. I found this was enjoyable in my poor student days while I perfected the technique (or art) of pre-drinking. So I admit to enjoying a drink and a shave together.

I have something else to add. I have always wanted to relay this story on here but have never found the proper channel, this thread may be it though.

It happened after a couple months of figuring out the proper way to shave with a straight razor and in this time I informed all of my friends and family about my newfound passion. Most people that I told were pretty intrigued. Anyway, a couple of my friends and I went out to watch the champions league final (football/soccer depending on where you are) and where I live this took place around lunch time. Needless to say over the course of the game we put a few drinks back, and managed to get fairly drunk by late afternoon. Afterwards we went back to my apartment to hide from the sun. I noticed that my one friend had a pretty shaggy beard and I made an off-the-cuff comment that he could use a straight shave. He thought that this would be a good idea and in my state I figured that it could be of little harm. So I pulled the trimmer out to get rid of the excess beard hair to make the shave manageable, although I left the mustache in place because I thought it would make him look funny. After this prep I pulled the brush out, lathered up his right cheek and took a pass down. Now I should state that I don't have sideburns so I just made the decision that he shouldn't either. I forgot that he had sideburns since high school. After the first pass I got really amused, but also very scared. After I stopped laughing I had to inform him that I was far too drunk to go any further. He was not amused. He did not want to leave the house looking like a fool with a shaggy mustache, a bald cheek, and the rest of his face with a couple days growth. Once I explained to him five times that his life was at stake he left. The next day he went to a barber and got fixed up sans sideburns. He had not had that little facial hair since he was 12.

To sums things up:

drink and shave myself = sometimes
drink and shave others = bad idea

I think I have a picture of the results and will upload it if I can find it.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Nice pics Dunny...

I'm not sure I want to shave with a drink... Even if I feel confident I would cut myself. I'm a morning shaver anyways so the probability that I would be shaving under the influence is very low.
When I shave at night, I sometimes have a beer during the shave. I never come home after a night out a sahve though.

Shaving hung over... Well, I've done that a couple of times. Not fun times:eek:
I think in general its a bad idea. I have done it once or twice though, but only a beer and it wasn't too big a deal.

My biggest concern with a staight razor is slipping on the floor and falling with a razor in my hand.

Now I do think that shaving while having a drink would sort of be a melding of two nice relaxing pastimes.
Put the alcohol on your face not in your mouth!:biggrin:

But in all seriousness I wouldn't have any qualms with a saftey razor shave after a bit of indulgence. A straight shave on the other hand... now thats a whole other can of worms!:eek:

I'd say if your depth perception and equilibrium are intact go for it (safty razors only!) You may regret it a bit upon sobering but you'll live, no harm done.
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