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I'm loving these Super Speeds !

Im fairly new to DE shaving (less that 2 months) however, i have picked up 3 Super Speeds since then. A 1940s No Date Code, a 1955 Red Tip and a 1963 Flare Tip.

I have thoroughly enjoyed using my 40's and my Red Tip. Today was my first shave with the Flare Tip. Since its a 1963 model it has a lower head profile compared to my 40s and Red Tip. I had a quick, smooth and nick free shave this morning. No wonder these razors are so popular! I could definitely tell that it was less aggressive than my Red Tip but i still got a smooth 3 pass shave in.

I think i still need to buy a 1950s (1954-57) style flare tip to round out the collection.

Its going take quite some time before i decide which is my favorite of the three.

Which is your favorite Super Speed?
Yep, all good! Good luck picking a favorite. I can't. Same for soaps, brushes and my kids!

I have a 40's style (Z1), a '56 Red Tip, 2 '57 Flare Tips, and a '67 black handle Flare Tip. I really love the classic simplicity and shave of the 40's style. Then I use the Red Tip and I love that 50's "muscle car" look and feel and the weight and blade gap. But I am also in love with my birth year ('57) Flare Tips. Aw shucks, I love each one in a different way on different days!


Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
I can't say I have a favorite. I have a '47, a '55 Flare Tip (heirloom razor, too), a '56 Red Tip, and a '67 Black Handle, and I love 'em all. I guess I need a Blue Tip, though. Never had much desire for one, but since I have the rest....
I love(d) my 40's style early 50's superspeeds...

Till I got my Super Adjustable. Set that to 6 and I get a much closer shave that is just as smooth. I do still love the Superspeeds, they are good if I want to shave quick and not worry about weepers (I do have to be more careful with the SA).

Superspeeds are definitely a great mild razor though. Put a good blade in them, and they shave comfortably. My coarse beard just needs some aggression!
I prefer the look and feel of the 40's style super speeds over the others and i feel like i get better results with them verses the flairtips and black handles. They are all great though and the fact that you can get one in great condition for a great price is a plus. I bought a 1951 super speed at a junk store for $5 and I keep it in my travel bag. Great shave every time!
Im fairly new to DE shaving (less that 2 months) however, i have picked up 3 Super Speeds since then. A 1940s No Date Code, a 1955 Red Tip and a 1963 Flare Tip.

I have thoroughly enjoyed using my 40's and my Red Tip. Today was my first shave with the Flare Tip. Since its a 1963 model it has a lower head profile compared to my 40s and Red Tip. I had a quick, smooth and nick free shave this morning. No wonder these razors are so popular! I could definitely tell that it was less aggressive than my Red Tip but i still got a smooth 3 pass shave in.

I think i still need to buy a 1950s (1954-57) style flare tip to round out the collection.

Its going take quite some time before i decide which is my favorite of the three.

Which is your favorite Super Speed?

You should be able to go higher than 1957. IMHO, any SS with two rings on the TTO is good to go. The ones produced after that seem to be slightly lighter, and the lower profile head came in 1963.
You should be able to go higher than 1957. IMHO, any SS with two rings on the TTO is good to go. The ones produced after that seem to be slightly lighter, and the lower profile head came in 1963.

Yeah thats the one i want. With the two rings on the TTO. I thought they were just in the Z1-C4 codes (54-57)
I just recently shaved with my red tip for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it. I do prefer the look of the 40's superspeed though. Its much cleaner and has a more timeless look to it. Enjoy your superspeeds!!!!
I have a 1957 flair and had a '40s style with no date code. Between the two, I preferred the 40s style. I gave it to a buddy who wanted to start traditional shaving. He loves it. I prefer my Merkur 38 HD over any of the SS razors, so I am glad my buddy likes the SS.
My favorite to look at is the 40's style hands down. The appeal of flare tips for me varies rather widely. I don't care for the appearance or shave I get from the black handled Super Speeds of the 1970's.... although I like the grip of the handle. My favorite flare tip is the 1954 to 56 variety with the screw in the knob. They just feel more solid than the later varieties. I like the red tip as well, but not the blue tip as much. Black tips are up there for me because they are just flat out unusual..... I don't know how they dreamed those up with all the different materials.... except I know that there was a brass shortage that drove most of the decision making with those. I have a 1958 TV special but I must admit that I think I've only ever shaved with it once, shortly after I got it. Those look great as well, with the different knurling on the handle.

Super Speeds truely are classics and a joy to collect and use.

I have a 40's style, Red Tip, Blue Tip, a flair tip, and a black handle. I think I like the black handle and the 40's style the most out of the bunch.
I've been DE shaving for over five years, but only recently have the vintage Gillette's clicked with me.
'64 SS is keeping me happy these days!
The Super Speed razors are a joy to use. I have a 40's, Red Tip, Flair Tip and a Black Handle (my birth year razor).
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