Well, I'm packing for a Carribean cruise nearly 2 months after beginning DE shaving. I use a Merkur 34C, an Edwin Jagger best badger brush from Crabtree & Evelyn, and a variety of soaps and creams. I have used ASR blades and vertical Derby's. After the last 2 Derby shaves, I am afraid that I might consider going back to cartridges and canned goo. I really think I have gotten consistently better shaves with the ASR blades than the Derbys. And, yes, I have tried corking the Derbys! Neither shave with the last Derby was good despite good prep and GFT Coconut soap. Dragging and nicking were the result. I got a little frustrated after tonight's shave and decided to pack my old Atra Plus cartridges with some Edge gel in a travel size can for the eight day cruise I am about to go on. One reason that I don't want to take the new Merkur is that I don't want it to get damaged. Well, we'll see what a week with the old setup feels like...