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Ideas for a beard softening product

Any suggestions for an unscented or verbena scented beard softening product. To use pre-shave on stubble. Many thanks.
My pre-shave routine:

1. Nylon scrubbing mit and Dr. Bronner's soap (pick a scent you like. I use either rose or unscented.) Give a good scrub to hydrate the stubble. OR, you mentioned Verbena...Pre de Provence makes a verbena soap. I've not used it in many years, but you could very easily use their soap as part of this pre-shave routine. Pre de Provence soaps were an obsession of mine for many years: I loved their soaps: felt good to use and smelled fantastic: verbena in particular.

2. Warm/hot washcloth to remove the resulting suds.

3. PAAs Pre-shave cube 2.0 (unscented/non-mentholated.) I apply the pre-shave directly from the bar to my beard and head stubble. Once loaded sufficiently I use my bare hands to raise a slick dense "lather". It's not like the lofty lather you'll get from your shave soap. This pre-shave soap lather is very close to the skin, will turn white and be pretty lubricating.

4. Paint on your well whipped shave soap lather over the pre-shave.

I find this method makes the first pass of the blade, in my opinion, the most difficult pass, very enjoyable, well cushioned and lubed and much easier.

Subsequent passes will only require your well whipped shave soap and still have some residual slickness from both the pre-shave and the first layer of shave soap.

Any suggestions for an unscented...


Many thanks.
You are welcome.
Thanks for these suggestions.Can you clarify the brand PAA, does it have more to the letters, like words, or just the initials? Thanks.
Since Karl W. Scheele and his sweet principle of fat, we have had this issue sorted out. Unless... it is too simple and need of complications. If water won't cut it, nor glycerin soap, maybe something else would do. Something more expensive.
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