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I will give diaring a try?

Another update... is this becoming a habit yet?

Unfortunately my early afternoon the snow plowing with a neat plow shovel thing couldn't happen yet. So i have been stepping deeper in the B&B forum pool. And my biggest interests are the creating and repairing forums and threads. I re-remember being a repairer or builder when i could do the work.

Some of the things i've done:
When i was an addicted surf fisherman. I was taught how to make different types of lures on a lathe. I had/have some airbrush knowledge and a little skill but i forgot photobucket needs me to pay them to get the pictures in their system. Rc bodies, salt water fishing lures and miniatures i painted are in their system.

And i now find myself wanting to make something, like a shave brush. There are other things i want to make as well. Money and ideas of what to make the brush handle(?) out of is the hardest choice. Like converting a cheap movie reference into a handle. Like a small replica leg lamp from A Christmas Story, not what i want to do that was just an easy reference.

I have access to a lot of tools to be able to do this kind of work so it will happen if i can decide on what i want the handle to be


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I have access to a lot of tools to be able to do this kind of work so it will happen if i can decide on what i want the handle to be
Sounds like a good project for you, to keep your brain active. If you do start getting something made, I will send you a link to read about knots that you might consider for your handle. You do need to know the required opening dimensions before you get too far along and not all knots are the same(height especially).


Born to häckla
Another update... is this becoming a habit yet?

Unfortunately my early afternoon the snow plowing with a neat plow shovel thing couldn't happen yet. So i have been stepping deeper in the B&B forum pool. And my biggest interests are the creating and repairing forums and threads. I re-remember being a repairer or builder when i could do the work.

Some of the things i've done:
When i was an addicted surf fisherman. I was taught how to make different types of lures on a lathe. I had/have some airbrush knowledge and a little skill but i forgot photobucket needs me to pay them to get the pictures in their system. Rc bodies, salt water fishing lures and miniatures i painted are in their system.

And i now find myself wanting to make something, like a shave brush. There are other things i want to make as well. Money and ideas of what to make the brush handle(?) out of is the hardest choice. Like converting a cheap movie reference into a handle. Like a small replica leg lamp from A Christmas Story, not what i want to do that was just an easy reference.

I have access to a lot of tools to be able to do this kind of work so it will happen if i can decide on what i want the handle to be
That sounds like a fun project! There are some brush handle makers around here.

Personally I ended up in shave soap making. I already made bath soap so it was not as far of a step to make shave soap. Just have fun whatever you venture into. That is all that matters.
@Flanders the B&B forums is where i know i can get the right info for my project. And reading some more of your journal has me thinking you will be the biggest source for the info. Like how to threads and your replies.

@blethenstrom you make soaps for showering and shaving? That is a great thing to know how to do and be able to do. But for now i will keep to the path of creating a shave brush.


Born to häckla
@Flanders the B&B forums is where i know i can get the right info for my project. And reading some more of your journal has me thinking you will be the biggest source for the info. Like how to threads and your replies.

@blethenstrom you make soaps for showering and shaving? That is a great thing to know how to do and be able to do. But for now i will keep to the path of creating a shave brush.
Oh yes you should keep to what interests you. I think brush making is a great adventure.
My "learning" about making shave brushes has begun. And i have a slightly better idea of what i will need to look for to get the base piece to convert into a handle. As a joke to my nephew i told him i will convert one of the heads he has collected that are the comic book and movie character, Deadpool. His reply wasn't as friendly as my joke, lol...

I also got a bit depressed learning what could possibly be used for a handle. I had some souvenirs from different things i did in my younger and very active life. And a few of those souvenirs would have made great shave handles. If my souvenirs(sp?) weren't thrown out when i was in the hospital and rehab for 2 months and i got evicted out of that apartment while i was unconscious in the hospital.

My apologies... i started to go on a rant but i calmed down and deleted it. I went to 120+ shows(concerts) for one of my favorite bands and my collection of that bands stuff i had got tossed into a dumpster.

Ok back onto this path again....

I have a better idea for what i can select for a handle.

No shave today my stubble is barely stubble, tomorrow will be my shave day. And with the snow predicted for tomorrow 6"-12" but up where i am i have to add another 4" for up here. It rained this week for the predictions and that was right for a mile down the road but we got an 1" or more of snow each day or night.

Have a good weekend...
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This afternoon's shave will be the fifth of 2025 and for the jan. GRUME. I have been using the Vitos chunk of soap and it has been good actually great because 5 shaves with the chunk seems like it will go well beyond my what 15 shave prediction. And as a very overly kind/nice PIF from @1e4 the half bar of Vitos might outlast me. Thank you Mr. @1e4 yet again.

There will be no pre-shave for today's shave. My pre-shave has almost always been a shower. Not for or about softening up my facial fur or anything like that. It's just my habit since being introduced into properly shaving and my body clean up and shave time had to be kind of hurried because of my situations or because a few times in my life the place i lived in had a single bathroom and up to 10 people living together.

And because of my situations i have experienced some odd but very enjoyable shaves. Like finding and using some guy's dopp kit (is that what they are called?) in his car and being close to a bay beach and park and doing a body clean up and shave while hearing the light waves break and watching guys fishing(?).

Yes you can say i was gross or whatever for using another guy's gear. But an un-shaven face for a few weeks and finding the dopp kit in the car i got into to sleep in and see if there was any money or food in gave me a question in my brain, i can shave but where? And being near that park i had a possible answer. I was up early walked the couple of miles or so to the park and found the boys bathroom door was open. So my clean up and shave happened and i discovered a not so sneaky or odd way to clean myself up and hopefully would get that chance again, which i did. Using somebody's pool to kind of clean up was not possible to do often. And i put that guy's dopp kit back.

I was a theif and still am now (it's impossible now for me though) but i wasn't a lazy thief and i left a small backpack of my stuff in his car that i had to go back for.

This was a commuter's car who most likely worked in nychitty (s instead of c) and his car was in the parking lot for 2 days at least which i spent 1 night in his car.

Being homeless by several bus and train stops mostly for commuters helped my homelessness be a little easier.

I have had times throughout my life of what i did when i was homeless was asinine (is that the right word?) But i never broke a vehicles window to get into a car and tried not to damage anything other than a lock to get in. And i'm not trying to pretend i was a saint but the loss of my finally figuring out my perfect/dream car happened a few days before my selected homelessness.

Below is a picture we scanned onto my computer years ago. I was a skateboarder during a time in history skateboarding was almost illegal to do on the streets or sidewalk and was frowned upon by a lot of people which drew me more into skateboarding.

The 1971 Dodge Dart I got for my first car was my step dad's father's car he paid for with cash at a dealer and had AC installed on the bigger 8cyl 5.2, 318 he wanted in the Dart. Some of you might have memories of a time when vehicles manufactuer's gave customers options that can be added not just chosen from. The paperwork and sales tags were kept as well, i believe $5100 was his price to pay. I had to pay $400 to my dad because of the repairs the Dart needed. Which punches were nearly thrown at my dad about. Why did he take my car to be repaired? I had friends and still have most of those friends today who were/are mechanics and i had the parts to fix the Dart... sorry more of my tangents...

Oh yeah 3316 stickers on or in that car, autographes inside and under the trunk lid from skaters like Rodney Mullen, band members from hardcore metal bands like Biohazard, Life of Agony, Fury of Five... there were other autographs but from who i can't remember and i am not a freak out kind of guy when i see or meet celebrities, even if they are celebrity to me.

And the Dart and it's stickers got a little celebrityness. People and somewhat oddly to me girls and women would add stickers almost every week. I got asked to pull over one time by some big dude, which i did he was nice-ish about it and the 2 very scantilly clad and beautiful girls in the back seat kind of encouraged me to pull over. The girls bounced and jiggled to the Dart, 1 to me the other girl to the other side and asked if they could put a sticker from the club they worked at which of course i said yes to. The girl on the other side sexually moved and put the sticker on that 2 of my friends and i enjoyed and i got interrupted by a hand going down my t-shirt and when i turned to see what was going on i got a deep kiss and as the girls bounced away and we got an invite to go to the strip club they worked at. We couldn't go though we were under 18 years old... in the 2nd pick i circled that sticker the best i could...


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You’re on the right side of the ground. Everything after that is a bonus.
thank you
We enjoy your posts. Do not worry about that.
Thank you. but that looooong post with pictures of that Dart i don't remember making it and when i got the time to read it i was/been wondering how i took the post on such a tangent.
Very cool! What band was that?

There were/are other bands i seen more but Clutch not only have a great sound and lyrics that has kind of changed like my life changed. And are my age by like 3 years.

2 of my friends i had email conversations with re-reminded me about a 15 year long part of my life. From 15ish to 30ish. In that time including being homeless i went to 1500-ish shows/concerts, they also told me the show count was probably closer to 2000 but my yammering about the amount of shows stopped several years ago and the last count i said was 1500 (and the count started at the not actual club locations)

And that the shows were in VFWs, 1 restaurant, and clubs and the like in 5 States (Clutch was the only band that went to play in 2 of the States In clubs). I was and still am a hardcore and heavy metal fan. And hardcore music (Biohazard, pre-Life of Agony, Fury of Five and a longer list of bands) the bands played whenever they could and where ever they could, the 1 restaurant and clubs/locations, an acquatinance/friendish punk i knew, his father had a music store and had 2x 1 band shows in his store (store lasted about a year, the father was into signing up bands or working with bands and was trying to "hold onto his younger life) in alleyways in crime ridden places like the Oranges or Elizabeth NJ (E-Town Concrete) or any town/city that bands played, i went to.

A lot of the shows were cheap or i snuck in or knew somebody (either in the bands or working the doors) that let me through the gates or door. I wore a referee shirt to 90% of the concerts i went to (my friends said to me and i am starting to re-remember).

Alright my kind of long post just went on another wide turn that the reverse didn't get jammed and i was able delete it.

Thank you all and back into B&B stuff. A shaving is about to happen. And eventually later i will post about throughout B&B.
Every time Clutch is mentioned, this gem burrows in my brain.
Clutch songs burrow in people's brains when they first hear one. But it's a pleasant almost orgasmic burrowing and once that happens the burrowing stops but the song will always give people who listened to even just one Clutch song that same pleasant/ orgasmic feeling when they hear it again.

And a slight tangent... i used to know every word of every song of theirs until about 5 years or so ago and the references and meanings behind Clutch lyrics. They have a song about blue claw crabs (i believe it could be crabs in general though). And things like ancient deity beliefs and different books and other things can kind of give you one of my reasons why Clutch is my favoritess favorite band. I don't typically have a favorite thing because i don't try to break down things into a general way.
Today's shave, the 5th on of the january GRUME and 2025. I believe this counting of the shaves is going to be a habit. Which i think i hope happens i an curious how many shaves i do the whole year. I am also going to detail things about the shave here and not when i post in the other B&B forums...

Today's shave was:

No pre-shave shower it was not available nor could i enjoy one i would have fallen in the shower and never been able to do anything else. I needed the shower chair i use/need to attempt my shave this afternoon.
Vitos got whipped up good by the Yaqi brush, my hands and the Captain's Choice copper bowl. I used "less" Vitos to create less less lather. I did this for 2 reasons, my health problems i can't trust myself with much things right now even just walking into the bathroom. And because i think i create too much lather during my recent shaves and when i was done i probably could have had 2 more of my 2 pass complete shaves.
My Rapira filled 1959 Gillette Fatboy did another great 2nd shave. This 4th Rapira blade gave me more sound feedback and a little feedback feeling for the first time. Not unpleasant just something i haven't gotten from 3 other Rapira blades so far.
Omega alum did it's usual good job. But it fell out of it's holding base thing. Only thing this effects (?) Is nothing. The Omega alum i think is 3 years old or so and i had to get it because one of the times my dad lived with me in the apartment i lived in 12+ years. And he decided to go into the bathroom cabinet to get something out and "cleaned out" the cabinet he had nothing in or knew anything about. He threw out 2 tuck boxes of blades, an alum block i had for like 5 years not in a box or anything and nearly every thing else in it. His excuse, "i didn't know where you kept aspirin and i didn't see it in there and threw out the stuff in the cabinet because i didn't know what it was and it all looked old and not usable". A few days later a few of his needed and used nearly every day stuff went into the dumpster including a diabetes tester thing, he has usually 3 diabetes testers 2 for just in case. And the one i threw out was 5 years old, the screen was washed out white screen you couldn't read and useless.
Stirling aftershave balm did it's job well again but getting to it's final balming i guesstimate 5 left.
Another 10/10
I did a little journaling oggling and learned something about Badger & Blade i didn't realize was a thing that could be done. Uploaded pictures into B&B the uploaders and possibly any other B&Ber can link to the pictures in their posts.

Another great thing my re-remembering hasn't remembered and i didn't do a good job in my re'reading the B&B rules and faq stuff. That i keep telling myself i should do more often and read it all and even mentioned i was doing that stuff in a few of my posts throughout the B&B forums.

So the picture hosting thing in B&B will happen after this post. And i will also look at the donation section on the B&B to see if a non advertised blocking amount can happen. I want to have, is it a penence thing? and did i spell it right? as like a sorry kind of thing for uploading the same pictures 2 or 3 times and not fully reading the rules and other things and slowly going through B&B to do it as well. I also learned the other day photobucket (who i used for picture hosting during my earlier internet life and until when? and now is a hostage holder of my pictures till i can pay them for it) so a pre-paid CC i will get when i can so i can penence(?) B&B owners and runners and free my pictures from pb's greedy hands. Which i am not against needing to or wanting to pay for picture hosting or for a forum but my most recent life changes have not only made me realize i should pay for things like Badger & Blade for giving me a wonderful forum to oggle(?) and interact with wonderful forumers.

Oh my... i spent over almost 2 hours of time for me tapping and thinking about a huge tangent that was only supposed to be short. And i realized i would have wasted anybody's time if they only glanced at this post. So i deleted it all properly thanks to the learning and re-remembering i've been having in B&B

Thank you Badger & Blade-ers(?)
Would any of you go through the about me section of my account? And give it a look through and tell me how i did it? And also let me know here in my journal how i did. And let me know if i misspelled anything or used inappropriate things or anything you want to say about of how i wrote my about me stuff.

I am thinking the beginning part might be too much or maybe inappropriate or whatever. And my spelling is bad because i am bad at it and i can't access 2 internet tabs at the same time to check my spelling myself.
Would any of you go through the about me section of my account? And give it a look through and tell me how i did it? And also let me know here in my journal how i did. And let me know if i misspelled anything or used inappropriate things or anything you want to say about of how i wrote my about me stuff.

I am thinking the beginning part might be too much or maybe inappropriate or whatever. And my spelling is bad because i am bad at it and i can't access 2 internet tabs at the same time to check my spelling myself.
I glanced at it and it seems good. I wouldn't worry too much about spelling, I hope we're not getting graded on our posts.

I have appreciated your journal, it is quite open and honest. I especially can sympathize with your memory struggles. I had a rather serious head injury in 2016 and to this day I still struggle to piece things together from the stretch of time a few months before the injury to a year or two after, and there are large gaps that I doubt I'll ever get back. It's really humbling when your brain just doesn't work like you think it should.

I'm glad you're here and I hope you keep posting.
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