...my Gillette Sensor and my Wilkinson Sword Quattro. I'd had the Sensor handle since I was 16, but it had to go. I'm much happier with my new Mühle R89. Even the Wilkinson Sword Classic DE was better than those too.
I would have kept the Sensor for air travel. I still have an old handle kicking around somewhere... which I'd use if I could ever finish my remaining M3 carts. Mostly I need to be traveling more.
I admit to having kept my WS Quattro and my last pack of blades.
I shave my head in the summer months so it's being kept for that and that alone. The blades are expensive but seeing as I have some that are unused i'll keep the Quattro until I've used up all the blades and then dump it.
Won't be passing the Quattro handle on as it a bit grotty with the remnants of a couple of years of soap scum
hmmm... I've still got my Mach3 sitting in the cupboard under the sink. maybe it's time....
hmmm... I've still got my Mach3 sitting in the cupboard under the sink. maybe it's time....