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I might be turning my Brother in law over to the dark side

My family celibrated Christmas a day early yeerday & my BIL received from my mother a tub of AOS Sea Kelp cream & hime on of thos staryter shaving kits from Wally World with the bowl, mug & soap. His birthday is in Febuary so ight be getting him a razor & blade sampler pack from WCS.

I've discovered that we here at B&B make shaving a part of our life, not just a dreaded morning routine. Those who do not use a brush, cream/soap, DE/SE/SR, could care less about the products we love so much. Think back to your cartridge days, did you make lather with cream/soap just because you were bored? Did you hunt the housewares aisle of your local box store to find that hidden gem of a shaving bowl? Probably not, what I'm trying to convey is that people will only convert if they see the benefit. If we give prospective converts good products they will be more likely to try this way of shaving. Keep fighting the good faith, AoS SK is not a bad first cream.
I had mentioned and shown some pictures to one of my friend's of DE razors, mugs of soap, and badger hair brushes. He said he likes the whole idea of it. I think I'm getting close to getting him into the fine art of traditional wet shaving.
My BIL gave me an update today that his shave with the soap & brush was much smoother!

This is the setup that I gave him.


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