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I have found the cheapest replater ever.

I found the cheapest replater ever forget my earlier thread on cheap replater i made a few days ago these 2 blow them out of the water.

the 1st one of them charges 25 for rhodium and black rhodium, 30 for gold and rose gold, and 20 for black or regular nickel. He does about 6 a week and after seeing his work its very good but he does not repaint numbers on adjustable s.

The 2nd replater charges a flat 275 for rhodium but he will do 70 razors at a time. he does not do singles and he doesn't paint numbers or polish but he will strip and replate all razors and they will be done in 2 weeks. He says hes done only 2 razor batches before and they were for a collectors but he doesnt polish after replate, he claims they dont need it in rhodium but for 275 for 70 razors you can pay someone to polish it for you.

so what do you guys think.
I doubt it I called every plat shop within 400 miles i think most refused to do a razor or where commercial only and the few who did charged 75 or more. It was only when I called a company that a women who worked their told me a previous employee had his own plating business and hes isnt advertized anywhere since he did decorations and stuff only. I tried to look him up but nothing showed up until i called in and he told me he wasnt advertized.


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Remember...If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

When you go to the meat market or grocer, do you buy the cheapest steak? Not me.

That's not to say, the most expensive replater is the best, I'm just saying....Be careful. It's my understanding, replaters vary greatly in what they will do and how they will look (and function).

My opinions are based on other threads and posts, as I have not yet had a replate done.
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If the 2nd guy doesn't polish it, then its going to look terrible when its done. Plating a razor with very small knurling and grooves is not the same as plating a tail light
I'd be skeptical. A quick dunk and "here you go" isn't going to cut it even if your a Zen master replater. I'd like to caution you taking on this role of a group trip to this plating shop. However sincere your intentions are. Stick with the KNOWN vendors here that are proven over & over again. After all your small investment is negligible for something your going to keep a lifetime :)
Remember...If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

When you go to the meat market or grocer, do you buy the cheapest steak? Not me.

That's not to say, the most expensive replater is the best, I'm just saying....Be careful. It's my understanding, replaters vary greatly in what they will do and how they will look (and function).

My opinions are based on other threads and posts, as I have not yet had a replate done.

When I go to the Mear market I get the steak with the beast marbling for the dollar sometimes you can get prime quality for the price of choice. Also the guy who says hell do 70 says that razors come out shiny and perfect and dont need to be polished I havent seen his work like the 1st guy but who knows.

Tomorrow im going to get a razor done in rhodium and since itll be the 1st one done by him ill show pics to every one and if you all want ill ask if he does delivery cause hes an old asian guy and hes said no over the phone.


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Tomorrow im going to get a razor done in rhodium and since itll be the 1st one done by him ill show pics to every one and if you all want ill ask if he does delivery cause hes an old asian guy and hes said no over the phone.

Sounds good. I hope they turn out nice.

Keep us posted.
I went the price he gave me was for a 15 minimum I dont even got that many he charges at least 55 for rhodium by itself. I was a little upset cause i wasted like 20 in gas to get to him to find out he misheard me on phone. I think ill just buy one already plated on ebay and see how it turns out thiers this guy selling them replated already for decent prices.
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