how do you guys finish with your j nats after full dilucot on your coticule??
Tomonagura slurry until a uniform hazy polish is achieved, then 5 laps on .1 CBN, then a good stropping.
I find my Jnat doesn't like my technique on water. I added the 5 laps on CBN after reading Rion's translated Iwaski honing article. Iwasaki suggests a few laps on crox, but I dont like crox personally. He also suggests edge leading laps can create a fin edge, so after the crox he does light heel toe "rubs" of a few millimeters of movement to finish.
I'd add to watch the thickness of your slurry as well. I'm finally seeing more consistent results with using a thin slurry. Don't do it as you would with your coticue.
so basicly dilucot wth j nat how you would with coticule .. do you use back and forth strokes and finish with x strokes? does the j nat make a differance? I did have one and hardly used it. i sold it and wished i'd kept on to it.. With the limited use i had i have to say i did have two or three extremly nice and very very smooth keen edge s... when i say smooth i was shocked how smooth ... I just could'nt repeat those kind of edges so i went back to my coticules... sold the j nat for some reason. now i am considering trying another one ..
I think a thinner slurry is the answerI usually do 15-20 x strokes, lightest pressure possible, water only on my Ozuku Mizo Asagi. What I basically want to do is add keenness while trying to retain as much of the coticule edge as possible.
For reasons I don't completely understand, Koma and even Tomo nagura set the edges I get on my particular Coticules back.
I'd add to watch the thickness of your slurry as well. I'm finally seeing more consistent results with using a thin slurry. Don't do it as you would with your coticue.
sure will but i think i'd go for the dilute method i'm sure you carn't go wrong with that .. i do think slurry use is the key .. at least that what i found with the one i sold . I'm sure if you can hit the max on a coticule the j nat should work very well .
Definitely, max out whatever method you are using before going to the JNAT, build a lightish slurry and work it until is breaks down (it changes color on my stone to a darker shade) then dilute and finish on plain water
i'll do just that . how would you compare the shave from coticule maxed out coticule to j nat finish?