I've heard rave reviews about BB and EF soap and about their various creams, but how are they in the scent department? Are they strong, mild, or weak?
Quite strong. The BB cream in particular is stout.
Would you say the soaps are the same?
I find the BB soap to be mildly scented and the EF soap to have a bit stronger scent. Both lather great and are among my favorites.
Sorry, I have not tried any D.R. Harris soaps. I also use MWF and some Mama Bear soaps as well as Trumoer creams. I would rate the Penhaligon soap scents mild (BB) to medium (EF) compared to the rest of my soaps and creams. I highly recommend both.
If you've tried D.R. Harris soaps, how (in terms of scent strength) would you say Penhaligon's soaps compare?