I'm curious. I finally got my hands on the stuff and I'm pumped!!! The trouble now is that I don't have any glass to decant it into, and I'm not sure how quickly I need to do so.
Any tips?
Any tips?
oh no... please tell me you're not drinking it! At least you're doing so with class...
But seriously, does the plastic affect it after a while?
I wouldn't sweat it. That O/S clone has been in those plastic bottles forever and is probably formulated for plastic. I have one bottle in use and one spare in the closet no problems.
If you find an original O/S bottle at an antique store or yard sale sure go ahead and decant it just for the "cool" factor of the bottle. Lotsa guys do that.
If you're like me, you'll use that stuff faster than the plastic could degrade it!!
Marty E.
oh no... please tell me you're not drinking it! At least you're doing so with class...
But seriously, does the plastic affect it after a while?
I wouldn't sweat it either. I usually decant into glass if I have a spare empty bottle, but like Myanmar pointed out, this stuff has always been in plastic. The only "funky" ones I've picked up have been at least ten years old. I'd say that's a pretty healthy time frame.
Besides, assuming it does eventually go flat- throw away and purchase anew. It's not one of those "high end" scents like Lilac Vegetal.
But just to be clear LV IS supposed to be decanted right?
I have discovered recently that when decanting Ivory Club into a Shulton OS bottle it is best to use the bottles made from 1980 and up due to the fact that the Pre-80 bottles have a MUCH smaller opening at the top and a smaller stopper.
I wonder why Shulton decided to enlarge the opening hole? To encourage us to use it faster?
I decanted witch hazel into my first empty tabasco... need to empty another for my Ivory Club.
My Old Spice clone seemed like it was here to stay,
Now the odor seems to fade away,
Oh, I should have decanted,
It's not half the scent it used to be
Now instead of one splash I use three
I should unload it on the BST
Why, it faded so
I don't know, I couldn't say,
Now it smells all wrong
Not like Shulton from Ebay
A buck fifty was all I had to pay
And If I buy some more my wife will say
"If it's not that Lilac stuff, then it's OK"
Cast aside the Tabasco Bottles!! Nay! They are not of The Light!!
Put our witch hazel into one of Brer Jack Daniel's bottles and the Ivory Club into a vintage Shulton OS bottle! Follow Me!!! Follow me and see if I care!