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How much $$ to buy a decent Gem OCMM in Chrome?

I want to add a Gem Chrome OCMM to my single edge collection. More and more, I like getting my razors with their original cases. So, what average price are we looking at for a very good to excellent OCMM in a case?

Thanks gents!
I've seen a few at antique stores for about $25-40 in decent shape and before SE's got popular again I saw minty ones go for as little as $12 on the 'bay.
I'd hold out for a mint one for a very reasonable price. They're too plentiful to pay a lot for and the demand is much less than vintage Gillette. Like Krona posted, all the ones I have were from the bay in mint condition for about $10 shipped.
I, too got a brand new one in a gift set with a new brush for $15 on Fleabay. They are out there. People tend to be scared of the OCMM so they don't command as high of a price.
You can find them cheap if you're patient. I got mine for 10$ on ebay about a year ago. They are very agressive razors that require patience and a steady hand. After that they are great shavers, I love mine.
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