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How much money have you spent since you started DE/Straight shaving?

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I'm interested in how much money you guys have spent throughout the years.

Looking at all my orders... and after subtracting the ones that i bought as gifts, i have only spent $212.97 buying stuff online.

Adding all my razors (i only buy at antique stores, i haven't bought anything through flea-bay) brings a total of $95. Then i add the two vintage mugs i have ($25).

And i have a grand total of $332.97. So far it's been 1 year and a half, since i started.

Before shaving the traditional way, i was spending $360 on carts a year, not even including the canned goo.

I guess i am saving money!!!
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I've only been at it for a couple of months. On average, I have spend $100.00 per month on razors, soaps, after shaves, samples, you name it. RAD got a hold of me.

I don't really want to quit, but HELP ME, PLEASE!
Just over a year, I have spent over $1000 for sure. I certainly plan to spend more but I am much more selective. Selective towards the more expensive stuff.:biggrin1:
I made the transition to wet shaving in Nov 2009. To date, I have spent about $360 on brushes, blades, razors, et al. By my calculations, I would have spent about $480 to use my Mach 3 for that same time frame. So theoretically I have saved about $120 in the past four years.

But I am not counting any birthday/holiday shaving gifts in any of these numbers. I never got any Mach 3 gifts before that 2009 starting date; my family appreciates my new area of interest for gift giving ideas. My shaving works for everyone.
Less than 500 if I'd venture to guess. Most I've spent on one item was my Muhle STFv2 which was about 55. The rest of the transactions were not more than 20 bucks.
0. According to my wife it's another story:p I've been fotunate to have offset my purchases with finds in the wild. Living in antique country I have been VERY fortunate to find razors for members who don't have the opportunity to get them. I recently sold some straight razor that will help towrds funding of a Red dot eventually. When one comes along. So I'm a very lucky guy.
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Antique Hoosier

In going on 7 years and over 500 BST purchases, along with eBay, Antique Stores, and Knife Shows, in excess of 10 grand and I'm not really proud of that number
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