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how many shaves do you get?

after trying several brands of blades, I settled with Merkur and have become very comfortable with them. I get two shaves per blade before they are unusable. The second shave is noticeably less effecient, a third is painful. The main reason I went to wet shaving is to save money. I got one good shave from a Mach III blade the second was significantly less, a third was out of the question. I have always been told by my dad and my grandpa that Im and idiot or doing something wrong. My hair is THICK. I used to have a pompadore, and the hairdresser cut my hair with a straight razor because she said I was ruining her scissors :scared:

I'm not upset or anything, i really enjoy shaving with a DE and even with two shaves, its still a lot cheaper. Im just looking for feedback. anyone else have this issue?
Also mention which razor you use. I use the R41, a very aggressive razor with a lot of blade exposure. I get two shaves with a Feather blade. I never tried to get more because I don't have the desire to. I came into this side of shaving so I could always have a FRESH blade and two shaves for me is perfect.
Hey SD: I'm not knocking you for liking the Merkur DE blades but what other blades have U tried? Although my favorite DE blade is the Astra SP. I'm always looking and experimenting with other blades.

With that said... I toss my DE blades after only 2 uses but I also shave my dome. I probably can push it for another 3 shaves but why take the risks for nicks and cuts.

5 shaves with Derby blades, and I could get more out of them but I just replace them at that point rather than having to find out when they get dull via a bad shave. I have a tough whiskers. YMMV.
I find that shaves vary with each blade brand, but I average 4 shaves from any blade, and sometimes I'll get a 5th from some.

Keep in mind that everyone is different, so the number of shaves per blade is going to vary lots.
I tried Feathers, Gilette and a couple others I honestly dont remember. I felt a huge difference when I got to the Merkur so I just stuck with that.

I use the Merkur Super. Im honestly open to trying anything. I try to shop local so thats all I have bought there. The Feathers seemed thin, almost like they werent enough, but super sharp does that make sense. The thicker blade feels more stable on my face.

Are those sample packs worth buying? I'd like to try different ones.
2 shaves is not unusual from what I have read here. I usually go 3 to 4 tops with a DE blade, however- my single edge gem with a ted pella blade will give me 7 or more shaves. If you go the SE route- try a Gem 1912 and the Pella blades!
I tried Feathers, Gilette and a couple others I honestly dont remember. I felt a huge difference when I got to the Merkur so I just stuck with that.

I use the Merkur Super. Im honestly open to trying anything. I try to shop local so thats all I have bought there. The Feathers seemed thin, almost like they werent enough, but super sharp does that make sense. The thicker blade feels more stable on my face.

Are those sample packs worth buying? I'd like to try different ones.
there are no rules brother stick with what works, merkers whatever------- i have been fortunate to have most blades work for me, i have Astras sp, Bic chromy's, personna reds, Derby's, and Derbys work great in my De89------ actually the only one i did not like was Feather
I'm very new (two weeks into it) but have changed the blades I use after three. I have very little facial hair, but the third use of the blades (Astra SP, Derby, so far) are noticeably less pleasant. For their price (especially the ones I've tried, and even more expensive ones like Feathers), I'd say it's still pretty economical to use them twice and then ditch.
I use the blade until it begins to drag which varies from 1-2 weeks depending on the brand. Merkur blades do not get much respect from some but I never had a problem with them except for the price in which a better quality blade can be had. I personally use Derby Extras and Feathers mostly, both giving an effortless irritation free DFS everytime.
I'd also like to add that de blades aren't necessarily supposed to last longer than cartridges. The problem is with cartridges they actually are supposed to last as long as de blades (2-3 shaves) but people push them WAY past their expiry (like I used to do) because of the price of a blade.

So to me one should not come to de shaving hoping for blades to last longer but instead should finally get the chance to change blades regularly without feeling guilty.
Am new to this, but I find 3 shaves is tops, regardless of brand. Bought a sampler, so am still working things out, but have tried Astra, WSB, Feather, Derby, Racer. Always in a EJ DE89. Maybe I should just use them twice; it would make remembering when to change a breeze.
I use Feather and 7 O'clock usually. Two shaves and maybe a touchup. I rarely use them to shave my face but do touchup on my face with them occasionally. I shave my head with them irregularly. I use a red tip almost always because I have a couple and I carry one on trips. I did a quick shave of my head today with a 7 O'clock and will use it once more and then retire it.

I think you can get away with more than two shaves with a blade but they are cheap enough that it doesn't make sense. If the first couple of shaves are good, then go with that blade and change out every couple of shaves. If you are looking for longevity and price, then Astra or Personna seem to last longer than the uber sharp blades. They are good, too. As always, YMMV.

If you wish, buy a blade pack but the problem I had with them is that you get some marginal blades that aren't really in competition. If you can get a blade pack with the most likely suspects (a limited pack as it were), then I would go for that. Otherwise, just buy a five pack of four or five of the most popular.

Shark, Derby, Feather, 7 O'clock, Astra, Personna - would be a good blade pack to me. You can get Wilkies locally as well as Personna. There is a lot said for that but Wilkies are not my favorite - but not rejected out-of-hand. If you are looking for cheap but OK, the Super Max Stainless actually work in my razors. And... again, YMMV.

The only blade I've stretched to see where it would go is a Feather AC Guard and it showed me that it could do the job for a dozen or more shaves - but it is NOT a DE blade. DE blades get changed the moment they seem to be dulling and usually that is two times.

Merkur gets a bad review in many cases - I think it is heavily over-priced but, after that, it is serviceable in my razors. I had a 10 pack and a couple of extras and I still have 8 or 9 of them. Just not my preferred blade - mostly due to value. YMMV.

Feather and 7 O'clock are great in my razors. Personnas (meds and regulars) seem to be a good serviceable option and I have quite a few. Astra SS are smoother to me and the SP version is a bit rougher and sharper but both are options. Sharks are fine - noticeably less sharp but still good in my razors. The Derby blades I've tried were OK. YMMV
Astra SPs with two shaves and toss no matter what. Razor blades are so cheap there is no reason for me to push it.
With Astra SP it tends to be two good shaves then in the bin but sometimes i get a third and sometimes i get a rash ... that's in the Tech now if I use the New i get a few more maybe 4 as the razor is a little more aggressive and I do fewer passes. I get 3 in the rocket and maybe four from the Old Type.
Different razor and the same blade always gives different results for me and of course when i change blade I have to learn all over again. A Polsilver in the New is too aggressive for me but wonderful in the Rocket.
Ye Olde YMMV but it's fun to try them all out.
My Mach 3 was used for weeks ... no wonder I got such rubbish shaves from it. Might give it another try with Arko and the boar brush one day, trouble is that would mean one less DE shave and I'm not sure I want to miss out on that.
.......... when the Gillette Adjustable arrives in a few days I will have a whole lot of new settings to play with :biggrin1:
I use Astra SPs and change my blade every Sunday. I generally get 4-5 shaves and swap it out. I once tried to go two weeks just to see but after 6-7 shaves it started dragging and I got some nicks so I know how long I can go. Every Sunday I swap out the blade and I'm super comfortable and happy with it for a week's use of shaving in my EJDE89.
after trying several brands of blades, I settled with Merkur and have become very comfortable with them. I get two shaves per blade before they are unusable. The second shave is noticeably less effecient, a third is painful. The main reason I went to wet shaving is to save money. I got one good shave from a Mach III blade the second was significantly less, a third was out of the question. I have always been told by my dad and my grandpa that Im and idiot or doing something wrong. My hair is THICK. I used to have a pompadore, and the hairdresser cut my hair with a straight razor because she said I was ruining her scissors :scared:

I'm not upset or anything, i really enjoy shaving with a DE and even with two shaves, its still a lot cheaper. Im just looking for feedback. anyone else have this issue?

No, not really.

I use Personna Lab Blue blades in my double edge razor, I have been shaving with them going on 3-weeks now and I am still on the first blade! They are very smooth and Very sharp! The first time I used these blades I had a few nicks and even a nasty cut on an old scar on my chin from childhood. Once I got used to the smoothness of these blades I am now able to shave without nicking myself. Give them a try, they might work for you very well.
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